04/08/2023 - Grill - Grill’s 5-Year Mannivesary

AO: Grill

When: 04/08/2023


Number of Pax: 26

Pax Names: Beaker, Bed Bug, ChooChoo, Ditto, DrewZ, Grinder, Heisenberg, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Mani, Myra, Oreo, Picasso, Pocahontas, Pork Chop, Potsie, Ringworm, Sheldon, Shoefly, Slice, Sooner, Teardrop, The Rock, Woz,

Number of FNGS: 4

FNG Names: Shoefly, Grinder, Bed Bug, Wiggler

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

5 Years!  Blessed to have a thriving AO and blessed to be supported so generously by our regional PAX in the Lehigh Valley!  It turned out to be a glorious morning; chilly but with bright sunshine.

The PAX kept coming until we had 26 men assembled with 4 FNGs and Bow, a Grill original who has not been able to post for several years.

F3’s mission and core values where stated as well as the disclaimer.

Warm-a-rama: Woz took us on a mosey to “Death Valley” where he lead us in a number of exercises including Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Merkins, Cobra/Downward Dog, Plank Jack, Mountain Climber, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, and Imperial Walkers

Motivators 7 to 1

The Thang

Mosey to the concession stand

Quarter Pounder:

  • Sprint 25 yards; 25 Merkins; Nur back and plank for the Six
  • Sprint 50 yards; 50 LBCs; Nur back and plank for the Six
  • Sprint 75 yards; 75 Mountain Climbers; Nur back and plank for the Six
  • Sprint 100 yards; 100 Air Presses; Nur to the 50 yard mark and mosey back to the start

Four Twelve:

  • 4-count Bear Crawl; 3 Merkins (IC)
  • 4-count Bear Crawl; 6 Merkins (IC)
  • 4-count Bear Crawl; 9 Merkins (IC)
  • 4-count Bear Crawl; 12 Merkins

Mosey to the corner of Park and Island Street

Route 78: 1 American Hammer (IC); run to next speed bump; 2 American Hammers (IC); run to next speed bump; increase 1 rep each speed bump up to 12 reps for a total of 78 American Hammers (IC)

We took a break for Potsie to give us a Q point on Persuasion

State Street:

  • S: 5 Staggered Merkins (IC) each arm
  • T: 10 Tempo Merkins (IC)
  • A: 10 Alternating Shoulder Taps (IC)
  • T: 10 Travolta Merkins (IC)
  • E: 10 Elevated Push Ups (a.k.a. Irkins) (IC)

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — J Lo’s, V-Ups, Flutter Kicks, Australian Snow Angels, Box Cutters, Freddie Mercuries, Monkey Humpers, Wife Pleasers, Crab Cakes, and maybe a few others…

COT: Announcements: Spring Chicken 5K Saturday April 9th in remembrance of Treehugger; F3 Keystone Convergence June 23rd and 24th; Triathlon May 6th; Burpee Challenge to fund raise for mission trip to Africa; Prayers for Grinder’s daughter

We had the pleasure of naming 4 FNGs — Grinder who works in the local foundry, Bed Bug who mentioned during the workout that he should have stayed in bed, Shoefly who works in construction for the Amish, and Wiggler who is Teardrop’s youngest 2.0 who raises worms for fishing for the campers at Blue Rock Campground.  Welcome!!

During COT, a number of M’s and family arrived bringing lots of food and drink items for a wonderful coffeeteria.  We are also blessed to have such supportive wives!  At the beginning of the workout when so many men showed up I was slightly worried we wouldn’t have enough food but not so, we had quite a spread with plenty of food and coffee for everyone and to spare.  Thank you all!!

Great fellowship with old and new friends

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F3 Lehigh Valley