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Got Your K.E.G.?

2nd F KEG (Krucial Event Guidelines) created to assist men to produce successful events:

  • You must be the EVENT Q
  • You need WING MEN to help you
  • Plan & Broadcast ONE MONTH OUT
  • You need to make PERSONAL INVITES
  • You are the EVENT Q. You need to own it. The 2nd F and wingmen will help but you are responsible for…
    1. Set up, Production, Clean up (if you can’t be there, you better get a commitment so someone else is
    2. Plan ahead, prepare ahead, discuss with the SLT, get on the phone, email, whatever is necessary. If you’re not ready one week ahead of time, you’re not ready
  • Have at least one or 2 WING MEN that are as excited as you are…
    1. These are guys that will want to help you produce the event – burdens were meant to be shared and inevitably we all come away wiser than when we started (see Matthew 11: 28-30)
  1. These are guys that are going to announce and talk up the event everywhere they go, the same way you will be. The excitement should be contagious
  2. If for whatever reason you cannot Q the event the day of, one or more of these guys should be able to
  3. You are training your Wing Men to be successful leaders of future 2nd F events, more fellowship, more growth, more everything
  • Publicize it at least ONE MONTH ahead of time
    1. Plan it out on paper, ask for help
    2. Consult with the SLT to schedule your event strategically
    3. Create an Event on the PAX F2 Chat Group
    4. Consider using the F3 Signup Genius if there’s a lot of items
    5. F2 calendar listing
    1. There is no substitute for personally inviting a guy. Time to get beyond the reliance on text/phone/groupme/email
    2. Your wing men should do the same
F3 Lehigh Valley