The F3 Alphabet – Flame Style

Arrived at the AO early to setup the props and noticed some logs laying on the side. They may be relocated some time in the near future. This workout is brought to you by Sesame Street and the letter Q! Today we will learn the F3 Alphabet, Flame style. Mosey ~1/4 mile to the location …

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F3 Lehigh Valley Convergence Meeting – June 27, 2018

Purpose: To bring together 50 or more brothers of the Gloom from the region for some fitness, fun, and a good cause. Proposal: Ultimate Frisbee / Football Tournament! Each AO submits a team of as many guys as possible. Registration is $5.00 a guy. Each AO designates a charity in advance. Winning team gets the …

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Pavilion Power

Welcome a loud and wet day at the Trojan after some ridiculous Thunderstorms and rain this morning. A few new ponds have formed on the fields of Lone Lane. YHC decided to put a Pavilion covered workout on the fly. Early morning text reminder that we workout in rains, sleet, snow, heat, and cold was …

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Out of hibernation

Tuesday, June 19, 2018 A lot of bears came out of hibernation and appeared at the Swamp; attendance was a recent high. Warm-o-rama: Plank jacks, grass pickers, arm circles, peter parkers, shoulder taps, mountain climbers Mosey The Thang: The PAX started with caterpillar through the parking lots up and back. Half mile mosey to other …

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Virgin Q

Standard fare of merkins, dry docks, flutter kicks, people’s chair with run in between each exercise. Last 15 minutes was crab soccer and bear-crawl handball. Good times!

“Good things” Come in Groups of 3

Disclaimer, Matt Foley is actually a professional trainer, but you are still responsible for your own health and well being during this workout. Mosey to baseball field Strange stretching, something about touching the sand or building sand castles on the beach IW IC x 15 Groups of three 1 run around park 1 air squats …

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Dropping B.O.M.B.S

A lot of pre-workout mumble chatter via text to hype up this mornings workout. It is always exciting to welcome new guys to the PAX especially when their is a dozen other guys of all ability levels and ages. DISCLAIMER: Only men over the age of 18 can participate in the workout and accept this …

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15 min of pain – 30 min of fun

60 seconds of max effort then change to another exercise for the same. Do it for 15 minutes. No break. Alternated with legs, chest, abs. Then 30 minutes of soccer. Penalty for out-of-bounds or being scored on was merkins.

Dr. Seuss’ 50th

Saturday, June 23, 2018 – coVQ by Amnesia Lady Glittersparkles was in attendance for Dr. Seuss’ 50th workout. Also a welcome back Kotter to Rockstar. Disclaimer was read and accepted by all. Warm-up: jogging, shuffling, skipping, karaoke, high knees, butt kickers in the parking lot. Also SSH, Vigodas, grass pickers, huggy bears, Morroccan sun gods, …

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Soggy Slog

23-Jun-2018 Four PAX swallowed the DRP this morning and demonstrated that they have been taken by the F3 insanity as they posted to the Grill in the rain. Even YHC found it hard to vacate the fartsack as the rain outside tried to seduce me into pulling the blanket up, rolling over, and drifting back …

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F3 Lehigh Valley