08/06/2022 - Grill - Movement

AO: Grill

When: 08/06/2022


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Apollo, Beaker, Ditto, Myra, Pocahontas, Pork Chop, Potsie, Ringworm, Sheldon, Slim Shady, Teardrop, Woz,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Slim Shady

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

The Grill was heating up with a dozen PAX raring to get moving.  Conditions were warm and muggy.

The full disclaimer was given for the benefit of our FNG who was EH’ed by Myra.

Warm-a-rama: Mosey to the basketball court.  Butt Kickers, High Knees, Carioca, Huggy Bears, Arm Circles “sobriety style”, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Side Squats, “around the world” Merkins (Merkin and move clockwise half way around the circle and the back again), Zig Zag hops.

We split into two groups of 6 PAX.  Each group did an Indian Run around to the opposite side of the park; one group took the upper route down Peach Ally and the other the lower route down Park Road.

The Thang — Movement inspired by MovNat (natural body movement)

Cones were set up across the field at ~ 30 yard intervals: Bear Crawl, Sprint, Army Crawl, Sprint, Broad Jump Burpees.  We ended up by the concession stand.

Mosey to the playground.

Split into 4 groups of 3 PAX to complete the following on the playground equipment and in the pavilion:

  • 10 Leg Tucks
  • 10 Underdogs
  • 10 Dips (IC)
  • 10 Step Ups (IC) each leg

Mosey around the park to the Shovel Flag

Balance: In turn each PAX carried a hickory log while walking an ~ 10 ft length of 2X4 planks.  Each had to walk to the end, pivot around and walk back while doing at least two split squats.  If he touched the ground, the other PAX had to do 5 Burpees.

As each PAX did their turn on the balance exercise, he called out and exercise for the others to do while we closely watched his ability and if we had to do any burpees.  We noticed that the younger PAX tended to have much better balance than the older PAX.

We did a variety of exercises and also plenty of burpees

We split into two groups of 6 PAX and moseyed to the two small pavilions to do Pull ups (AMRAP)

Mosey to the bandstand

  • BTTW 5 count each PAX
  • Wall Sits 5 count each PAX

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — ~ 10 different exercises before time was up

Mosey out to the field to pick up the cones and meet back up at the shovel flag

COT: we named our FNG “Slim Shady” as a nod to his rapping ability and challenged him to come up with a rap rendition of the disclaimer similar to Dr. Seuss’s rhyming rendition.

Prayers for the 2.0’s of Wilson and Klinger who are both dealing with illness or injury.  Prayers for Oreo; praise that Woz is back with us.  Prayers for family of a friend of Pocahontas and Ditto who just lost their father.

Announcement for upcoming Lehigh Valley Manniversary.

Following the workout the group invaded Four Twelve en masse with 10 men enjoying fellowship over coffeeteria.

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