01/27/2024 - Steel Town - Log of Honor Convergence.

AO: Steel Town

When: 01/27/2024


Number of Pax: 24

Pax Names: Abacus, AirMail, Bambi, Biscuit, Chrysalis, Copay, Dial Up, Downsize, Dr. Luck, Dr. Seuss, Drop Box, Dynamite, eager beaver, Gambit, Hot Shot, Jack Knife, Knievel, Long Haul, Milestone, Open House, Peeps, Slice, Sooner, Spoiler,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dr. Luck

The BackBlast:

Today we honored four PAX who have crossed the 50 beat-down bar: Eager Beaver, Milestone, Sooner, and Peeps.  All good men.

EBS: 5 for run; 3 for ruck.  Dynamite and Open House smokin’.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-o-rama: 10 penalty burpees; SSHs; Large arm circles; Overhead claps; Abe Vigodas; Shoulder taps; Peter Parkers; Cincinnati Toy Soldiers; Large arm circles reverse; Grass pickers; Merkins; Mountain climbers; Imperial walkers; 1o penalty burpees.  In between the burpees, everything was IC x 10.

Run two laps around the parking lot, then draw coupons.

The Thang:

Round One: Thrusters, SC x 15; WWIs, SC x 30; Coupon squats, SC x 40.

Run two down and backs.

Round Two: Merkins, IC x 15; LBCs, IC x 30; Coupon lunges, IC x 20.

Run two down and backs.

Round Three: WW3s, OYO/OBE; V-Ups, SC/25; Coupon Squats, SC x 40.

Run two down and backs.

Round Four: Wake.

Blockees, OYO x 15; American Hammers, IC x 20; Squat Jumps, SC x 30.

Run two down and backs.


CoT.  Really excellent coffeteria followed in the pavilion.  Thanks PAX.

“Legs feed the wolf”–Herb Brooks.

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