Circle of Failure

Seven men, seven stations.  Stations included burpees, v-sits, merkins, squats, plank, flutter kick, American Hammer, fast feet.  There were also three unknown stations that anyone could opt to select if they did not like the current station that they faced.  The terror of the unknown! Each of the pax start at a different station and did …

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E.A.G.L.E.S Parade

Ice Ice Baby!  The PAX rolled in on a parking lot full of ice.  YHC was up since 2:30am preparing this workout.  Today the city of Philadelphia celebrate the EAGLES victory over the New England Patriots.  Pray the city is not burned down.  In honor of our BIRDS of PRAYer we dedicate this workout. Disclosure:  …

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Baby Got Back

Another chilly morning at the Swamp and Neon’s first Q back in the northern hemisphere in 2018. The workout was focused on the back Mosey Warm o rama arm circles, grass pickers, monkey humpers, ankle hops & merkins Mosey over to the jungle gym 3x pullups with different grips, legs (see below) between pull-up sets. …

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No Regrets Push-Up Challenge

2018 No Regrets Men’s Conference   The 2018 No Regrets Men’s Conference was an amazing experience. Fun was had by all and all should have been convicted in one way or another. Some great words were shared by the speakers and attendees alike. Miles McPhearson blew my mind on several occasions, especially his discussion on …

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Hoosier’s Birthday Bash

The Pax were pleasantly surprised by Hoosier, a visiting F3 brother from Greensboro, NC who postd. The LV trio of Uptown Girl, Beaker and Neon were happy for the company. At the end of the workout Hoosier shared that it was his birthday and although the Pax didn’t have a cake (except 10 crab cakes in cadence) with …

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Jan 31 Cross fit hero

  Jan 31 Warmarama Broad jump down parking lot, jog back x 3 mosey to bandshell Burpee Tabada: amrap burpees 20 seconds…10 sec rest..repeat for 4 minutes Mosey to pavilion CrossFit hero: 20 mins, as many rounds as possible….5 pull-ups, 10 push- 15 Squats COT

post Super Bowl burner

3 fearless PAX posted to celebrate the Eagles win F3 style…icy roads/ trail so stuck inside pavilion warmarama Dora 1-2-3 Round 1 pax 1:  bear crawl down, crawl bear back pax 2: works toward cumulative 100 burpees…flapjack when pax 1 returns round 2 pax 1:  lunge walk down, broad jump back pax 2:  cumulative 200 …

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Juarez valley on ice

28 degrees, started to snow at end

Warmarama:  SSH, sprints down parking lot and back/ 20 burpees….down and back/ 10 burpees…down and back/ 5 burpees

mosey to bandshell for…

Ring of Fire: Everyone starts with SSH, then Q does 1burpee, starts Mountain Climbers, next guy clockwise does one burpee, starts MCs..once everyone is
Doing mountain climbers, Q does burpees and starts next
1.) SSH 2.) Mountain Climbers 3.) High Knees 4.) Imp. Squat walker 5.) Butt Kickers 6.) SSH

String of Pearls: Run around track, stopping periodically to do 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 LBCs….finishing back at bandshell

Juarez Valley Method: (Merkins) 1. 20 reps rest 2. 1 rep rest 3. 19 reps 4. 2 reps 5. 18 reps…. 20.10 reps (see rep breakdown below).  Did reg merkins odd rounds and diamonds even rounds
1. 20
2. 1
3. 19
4. 2
5. 18
6. 3
7. 17
8. 4
9. 16
10. 5
11. 15
12. 6
13. 14
14. 7
15. 13
16. 8
17. 12
18. 9
19. 11
20. 10


finished with some post-COT pull-ups on way back to parking lot

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No Regrets Blackjack

Seven men showed at a special workout location this morning. We moved the workout to Faith Church because they were hosting the Men with No Regrets conference simulcast. Much was done and said at the conference that will effect my future but one thing that echoes in my heart touched very close to home. One …

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Super Bowl Circuit

Super Bowl Circuits Warmup 15 Side straddle hops in cadence 10 X Jacks in cadence 15 Monkey Humpers in cadence 20 Moroccan Night Clubs Parking Lot Circuit – Sprint up/karaoke back x3 (merkins for 6) – High knees up/quick feet back 10ct juke left, 10ct juke right, repeat. X3 (merkins for 6) – Bear crawl …

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F3 Lehigh Valley