Knievel’s First Q

Warm up in Cadence… Sun Gods (10), grass pickers(10), Monkey Humpers (10), crazy climbers(10) Short Mosey Merkins in Cadence 10 to 1 with calisthenics in between. 10merks…side steps…9merks. … karaoke…..8merks……lunges….7merks…..backwards run…..6merks….side steps. …5 merks……karaoke….4merks……backwards run…..3merks….lunges….last 3 merks. 1/4 mile Mosey 20 step up’s in Cadence. …20 dips 20 more step up’s in cadence…20 dips Short …

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Crazy Eights

Run the park in a figure 8 pattern stopping at 3 points (both ends and the middle area). First stop is 80 reps of the assigned exercise. Next stop is 70 reps, then 60, etc. Once you reach 10 reps, repeat 10 again and start counting back up by 10 at each stop. Typically we …

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Cindy’s DirtyMacDeuce

PAX of 5 showed for this early Saturday beatdown in Reeves Park when another call showed causing the PAX to wait a few extra minutes. Flipper: “Why else would two guys be pulling up to the park at this hour than to join F3.” Immediately chatter began about FNG’s selection of stylish Patagonia shorts. YHC …

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Ladders and Fire

28-Jul-2018 A foggy morning broke following the torrential rains the night before leaving a soggy park for our workout. Seven PAX including one FNG vacated the fartsack despite various plausible reasons why they could have skipped the workout including a 12-hour drive the day prior, working late into the night in the rain to keep …

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Bridge Buolders

Saturday, July 28 – finally, no rain! Disclaimer presented and accepted. Inspirational QOTD: “The problem with Christianity is not that it has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been found difficult and left untried by many,” -G. K. Chesterton. At F3 we want to encourage each other to try difficult things, like …

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Well Rounded

Finally the rain let up! 6 PAX ready to shake off the Gloom with a fierce beat down. Disclaimer – only men over 18, rotational lead, free, all volunteer, non-professional, modify as necessary, not pass fail, you assume very real risk of injury by participating. Everyone states “I” or leaves upon their own free will. …

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Rain in the park

We ran, stuff happened.   The above is the content of my original post. That is a pitiful Backblast! I must do better. I owe it. You deserve better. I deserve better. What in your life are you half assing?   So here it is.   Dropbox and Dr. Seuss showed up at the house. …

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Wet n Wetter

We met at Fleetwood park and did a mix of merkins, high knees, duck walk, side planks, windshield wipers, V-sits, Navy seal sit-ups and push-ups. Each PAX member then chose an exercise and we did as many reps as their age. Finished off with crab soccer working those triceps till they were toast. It was …

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Surprise Q

The Pax circled up and each man took a turn choosing what type of merkin and abs to lead in. Chest was pretty well spent after 45 minutes.

Flood Watch

The PAX awakened to a weather alert on their phones for a flood watch and decided it was the perfect day for a workout. Seven promptly exited the fartsack and posted. Warm-o-rama Mosey, arm circles, grass pickers, monkey humpers, Abe Vagodas The Thang Mosey down road and circle up for plank work: mountain climbers, peter …

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F3 Lehigh Valley