10/06/2023 - Trojan - Perseverance at the Trojan

AO: Trojan

When: 10/06/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Biscuit, Downsize, Dr. Luck, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Open House, Slice,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Slice

The BackBlast:

Clear, warm, and dry.  Perfect morning for a beatdown

This beatdown is a blast from the past. The Q was browser the early beatdowns (2020 and back) for the Lehigh Valley.   He stumbled upon a great theme and topic for a beatdown, Perseverance.

Disclaimer- Accepted and agreed upon by all (expect for the late arrival)

Warm-Ups: Stretches, Casey Casums, Grass Pickers (10IC), Monkey Humpers (10IC), Abe Vigotas (10 IC), Mountain Climbers (10 IC), SSH (10IC), Mericans (10 SC)

Romans 5: 3-4 “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope”

Thang 1:   Mosey around the parking lot and circle up on the opposite side of the pavilion in the parking lot.

Climb up the Ladder with Mericans and Plank Jacks.   1:4 ratio.  Up to 5:20.  Than back down to 1:4 all in cadence as a group!

1 Merican, 4 Plank Jacks; 2 Mericans, 8 Plank Jacks; 3 Mericans, 12 Plank Jacks, 4 Mericans, 16 Plank Jacks, 5 Mericans, 20 Plank Jacks; 4 Mericans, 16 Plank Jacks, 3 Mericans, 12 Plank Jacks; 2 Mericans, 8 Plank Jacks; 1 Merican, 4 Plank Jacks.

Definition of Perseverance: to Persist in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Thang 2:  Mosey to the play set and circle up around the picnic tables.

Partner Up.  Partner A is doing pull-ups to failure, than hanging until partner B is complete with assigned exercises.  Than the partners switch, so Partner A is doing the exercise and Partner B is pull-up/hanging.

Round 1: 30 Dips  Round 2: Step-Ups (15 each leg)

Thang 3: Mosey to the pavilion and partner up again.   For DORA.

Partner A runs around the pavilion while Partner B does the prescribed exercise.   Switch when Partner A makes a full rotation.  Rinse and Repeat until total achieved.

Round 1- 150 Squats     Round 2- 150 Big Boys

We did not have time to Thang 4, next time.     The PAX did have time (as we always should make time) for a round of penalty burpees.  We have 1 HIM arrive after the disclaimer and accountability is important.   We did circle burpees for a 10 count.

2 minutes of Mary-  20 American Hammers and 15 Box Cutters

CoT- CoR, NoR, Accouncments, Praise, and Prayers

Final Thought:   James 1:12 “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which GOD has promised to those who love him”

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