06/04/2022 - Grill - Hill Sprints

AO: Grill

When: 06/04/2022


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Apollo, Beaker, Klinger, Myra, Oreo, Pigeon, Pocahontas, Pork Chop, Potsie, Ringworm, Sheldon, Teardrop, The Rock, Woz,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Pigeon

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

15 PAX strong descended on the Grill this morning.  We had a traffic jam in the parking lot as an art festival was trying to set up as well and we had to move our vehicles further down the lot.  Sheldon invited an FNG who joined us as well.

The Disclaimer was given

Mosey to “Death Valley” for Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Sun Gods sobriety style, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Calf Raise, Monkey Humpers, BSE, Calf Stretch, Peter Parkers

Mosey to the bottom of Franklin Street

The Thang:

  • Sprint up Franklin Street to the entrance to the playground
  • 30 Merkins
  • Jog back to the bottom of Franklin
  • 30 Lunges (IC)
  • Sprint up to the playground pavilion
  • 15 Dips (IC)
  • Jog back
  • 10 Burpees
  • Sprint up the street
  • 20 Squats
  • Jog back
  • Plank with a 5 count each PAX
  • Sprint up the street
  • 15 Jump Squats
  • Jog back
  • 15 Diamond Merkins (IC)

At this point we were getting pretty winded; great time for a leadership minute from Potsie on “Mammon”

  • Sprint to the playground pavilion
  • 10 Step ups each leg (IC)
  • Jog back; stop at the playground parking lot for 30 Rocky Balboa’s (IC)
  • Jog to bottom of Franklin street
  • 20 Side Lunges (IC)

Mosey around to the baseball dugouts

  • 10 Tucks hanging off the dugout roof (or AMRAP)… these are tough!

Mosey to the band stand

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — BTTW, Prom Dates, Six Inches, Side Planks, WWI Sit ups, Box Cutters, LBCs, Superman, American Hammers, Reverse Crunch, Flutter Kicks

COT: planning for the PA F3 Convergence in Harrisburg.  Approximately 5 or so PAX are planning to attend.  Great to see Pork Chop back with us after a brief bout with COVID.

We welcomed our latest FNG into the group.  He was named Pigeon since he is from Higgins (perhaps only locals understand the connection between Higgins and pigeons but we’ll leave it at that).  Welcome Pigeon!

Several PAX went to Four Twelve for coffeeteria following the workout.  Next week Apollo will be Q and is planning a trail run.

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F3 Lehigh Valley