Field of dreams

54 degrees Native American run Field of dreams: 2 sets Home Plate-15 Burpees. Amrap 1st Base-Push Ups 2nd Base- Squats 3rd Base WW1s Batter starts at Home knocks 15 Burpees out the park and goes to first to relieve 1B. 1B then goes to 2nd and so forth until all pax have completed burpees and …

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Participation Award

Six posted to the Swamp with the majority whimpering about some sort of ailment. Bum knees and sore arms were on full display so the PAX wanted a participation award just for slithering out of the fart sack. The only reward was a beatdown from an insensitive Q who was also hampered by OMK (old …

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The Test V

Locking shields with these men is trully an honor. I love spending time with the HIM of F3 and getting it done. You all inspire me to be more. As the leader of the workout this morning I decided to do The Test. We should pay attention to what we are doing and where we …

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Burps and Suicides at the Grill

05-May-2018 Another glorious spring morning broke on the great metropolis of Hamburg as three PAX and an FNG gathered for another griller. Disclaimer: Welcome to F3. There are some things you need to know about F3 and we always need to remind each other: Only men over the age of 18 can participate in the …

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Trojan horsin’ around

It was a beautiful, warm and sunny morning in the gloom. Seven posted for the frolic in the park including a gent from Charlotte who was in the Valley for the day. Warm-o-rama Mosey, arm circles, Abe Vagodas, Moroccan night clubs, monkey humpers, Peter Parkers and merkins The Thang The PAX moseyed around the mile …

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Murphy’s Law

A beautiful May 1, 2018 Tuesday  Gloom in the low 40’s.  Impromptu Q, YHC received 5:24am text from Neon stating he was up half the night with one of the 2.0’s.  Too bad I didn’t see it until 6:24am, no worries I am always ready and honored to lead a workout.  Plus I always carry …

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Murphy’s Law

  A beautiful May 1, 2018 workout with a low 40 degree temperature. Disclaimer: Only men over the age of 18 can participate in the workout and accept this disclaimer. I am not a professional, which points to our core principal of being volunteer peer lead.  The exercises I suggest are just that suggestions.  I am not compelling …

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Normal Fun

25 minute pre-workout run with 5 of the pax.  Normal fun for the pax.

30-20-10 runs!

42 degrees, light breeze -warmups: SSH, x jacks -jog around upper loop – tabada circuit: (40 second exercise/ 10 second test) lunge jumps, merkins, burpees, flutter kicks, box jumps, ski abs, speed skaters, plank to push-up, Carolina dry docks – air press cool down -basketball court sprints, baseline to baseline (30 second jog, 20 second …

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F3 Baseball

28-Apr-2018 Four PAX posted to the Grill on this foggy Saturday morning. The disclaimer was given Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, SSH, Monkey Humpers, Peter Parkers, Plank Jacks, Calf Stretch, Hamstring Stretch The Thang: Mosey to back corner of the park where there happens to be a short but steep hill for… Elevens: 10 Crab Cakes, run …

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F3 Lehigh Valley