06/06/2023 - Grill - Under the Wire

AO: Grill

When: 06/06/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Beaker, Ditto, Oreo, Picasso, Pork Chop, Potsie, Woz,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

It started off as a beautiful afternoon with partly sunny skies and temperatures in the low 70’s.  We were able to enjoy the nice weather until the very end of the workout.  By the time we had COT, the smoke and haze from the wild fires in Canada invaded the park and it was good to wrap it up.

Warm-a-rama: mosey down the street and circle around down the river path (this was on purpose since a friend of ours was enjoying a nice evening with his wife in one of the pavilions; we had to apply a little pressure to encourage him to consider joining us; we’ll keep working on him)

Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Cobra, BSE, Calf Stretch, Peter Parkers

The Thang

Mosey to the pavilion

  • 10 Decline Merkins (IC)
  • Hundreds
  • 10 Bulgarian Split Squats (IC) each leg

Mosey to the corner of Island and Peach

  • 10 Diamond Merkins (IC)
  • 15 Scissors (IC)
  • 15 Reverse Lunges (IC)

Mosey down Peach Alley to the play ground

  • 10 Plyometric Merkins
  • 15 Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 15 Lunges (IC)

Take turns doing Dead Hang or Pull ups while the rest of the PAX do Dips

Mosey to corner of Franklin and Park

  • 10 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 10 Side Planks with Crunches (IC) each side
  • 15 Sumo Squats (IC)

Crawl Bear up slope by the pool and Bear Crawl back down

Mosey around to the other side of the pool

Quadraphilia: NUR up slope and run back down; continue for ~ 2-3 minutes

Mosey to the shovel flag

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Box Cutters, Reverse Box Cutters, American Hammers, Heels to Heaven, Freddie Mercury, Incline Merkins, Flutter Kicks, In/Outs

COT: Prayers and Praises

Four PAX went to the Westy for dinner and fellowship

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