04/02/2022 - Grill - The Grill Turns Four!

AO: Grill

When: 04/02/2022


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Beaker, Deuce, Dr. Seuss, Heisenberg, Hot Shot, Jack Knife, Klinger, Long Haul, Mr. Green, Myra, Pocahontas, Pork Chop, Potsie, Ringworm, Sheldon, Wilson,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

The Grill celebrates its fourth manniversary!

YHC arrived early at the Grill to prepare for the celebration and found Klinger, our newest FNG already there and raring to go.  I love FNGs and love it even more when they hit the ground running.  Klinger is the latest of several FNGs who recently joined the PAX.  I am very excited to see how our group continues to grow and strengthen in fitness, fellowship, and faith.

Soon after arriving a clown car from the Leigh Valley rolled in and discharged six PAX who traveled from Allentown for the event and to lend their support for the furthest AO in the region.

The rest of the Grill PAX soon arrived with Wilson sneaking in last during the warm-a-rama.  No guilt there, this man made it to the workout in spite of a trying week with sick 2.0s.

Dr. Seuss’s rhyming disclaimer was given and the PAX did a quick name-a-rama for introductions.

Warm-a-rama: Myra stepped up to lead the group in the warm up.  Next week this HIM will ring his second bell when he leads his first full Q workout.  Abe Vigodas, SSH, Hillbillies, BSE, Mountain Climbers and a few others exercises

The Thang:

Mosey to the field for a Quarter Pounder:

  • Sprint 25 yards; 25 Merkins; NUR back and plank for the Six
  • Sprint 50 yards; 50 Squats; NUR back and plank for the Six
  • Sprint 75 yards; 75 Mountain Climbers; NUR back and plank for the Six
  • Sprint 100 yards; 100 SSH; NUR back and plank for the Six

Four Twelve (in honor of the coffee shop the Grill goes to each week for coffeeteria):

  • 1 four-count Bear Crawl; 3 Merkins
  • 2 four-count Bear Crawl; 6 Merkins
  • 3 four-count Bear Crawl; 9 Merkins
  • 4 four-count Bear Crawl; 12 Merkins

Mosey to the corner of Island and Park road

Route 78

  • Heading down Park Road toward Route 78 we made a stop at each speed bump to do an American Hammer (increasing by one at each stop) to the end of the road in “death valley” (so named due to being a dead end over a small rise where we often do our warm-a-rama; last week we were all on the ground when a car drove over the rise and was surprised to find us laying in the road; we almost became speed bumps).  We then returned stopping at each speed bump back to the shovel flag.  We made a total of 12 stops for a cumulative total of 78 American Hammers.

State Street (in honor of the main street through Hamburg; a.k.a. “old route 22”)

  • S: 5 Staggered Merkins each arm
  • T: 10 Tempo Merkins (IC)
  • A: 10 Alternating Shoulder Taps (IC)
  • T: 10 Travolta Merkins (IC)
  • E: 10 Elevated Push ups (IC)

Mosey to the bandstand

BTTW for a photo op

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — we did a selection of ~ 10-12 of the PAX favorites

COT: Dr. Seuss provided several announcements including a 2nd F Line Dancing event with M’s, the F3 PA Convergence in Harrisburg in June, and the GrowRuck in Valley Forge in November.  Dr. Seuss closed us out in prayer

Several M’s and 2.0s arrived and soon a spread of various breakfast casseroles, home-baked goods, fruit, and, of course, coffee was provided.

It was a beautiful morning with much to be grateful for.

Following breakfast, several PAX, two M’s, and one pup drove to the Hamburg Reservoir for a hike to Pulpit Rock.

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