03/24/2023 - Trojan - Seattle Inspired Beatdown – The Competitive Dora/B-Day Celebration

AO: Trojan

When: 03/24/2023


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Biscuit, Dial Up, Dr. Luck, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Mr. Brady, Renaissance, Slice,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: BIScuit

The BackBlast:


I had returned back from Seattle and brought back a workout from F3 Seattle/Ballard that I was honored to be a part of.

WARMUP: Running Coupon Drills

  • Set up coupons in a line, run between/over coupons and then down the other end of parking lot and back.
    • 1st lap = run between coupons
    • 2nd lap = side shuffle over coupon right side
    • 3rd lap = side shuffle over coupon left side
    • 4th lap = jump over coupon

THE THANG: This workout had 2 parts… the first was a warm up, and then the beatdown.

  • Part 1: Parking Lot Killers – 3 Rounds perform, complete 1st exercise and then 2nd exercise to the end of parking lot
    • 1st Round: 50 curls, merkalators
    • 2nd Round: 50 goblet squats, bonnie/broad jumps
    • 3rd Round: 50 overhead presses, crawl bear
  • Part 2: Competitive Dora – Partner up to complete each workout, 1 person does workout while the other completes mode of transportation and then alternates until reps completed per exercise
    • Mode of transportation: Sprint to first cone, bear crawl to second cone and continue to alternating each cone reached, do same in reverse back to start
    • 50 no cheat churkins
    • 100 coupon swings
    • 150 squat shakers (squat with a salt shaker – coupon to over your shoulder)

Ending in COT

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