06/22/2023 - Ranch - Partner Pulverizer

AO: Ranch

When: 06/22/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Biscuit, Dial Up, Dr. Luck, Dr. Seuss, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Open House,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dial Up

The BackBlast:

Men’s Workout Allentown, PA

Warmup- Overhead claps, arm circles, Abe Vigodas, Monkey Humpers. Skip across parking lot and do 10 reps of an exercise then skip back across parking lot for 10 more reps.

10 Merkins

1o Imperial walkers

10 mountain climbers

10 toy soldiers

10 plank jacks

Two swan dives

The Thang:

Partner up- One man does high plank while the other man put his feet on the his partner’s back and does Bulgarian Split Squats.

Ab negatives- one man back flat on the ground with his legs pointed straight in the air, the other man stands next to him and throws his partner’s legs down. 10 reps and partners switch.

Windshield wipers- one man back flat on the ground with his legs pointed straight in the air, the other man stands next to him and throws his partner’s legs the to left side, then right side. 10 reps each side (20 total) then partners switch.

Toe taps- Partners face each other and touch toes for 20 reps.

Toe taps- Partners face each other and touch toes with a push up and shoulder taps for 20 reps.

While your partner planks with his legs apart, skip in between and outside of your partner’s legs for 20 reps.

While your partner planks, jump over your partner’s legs for 20 reps doing a burpee each side.

Mosey around parking lot.

Against the wall:

Mike Tysons for 20 reps

Donkey kicks, 20 reps

Cool down:

Two swan dives

Shoulder stretch




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