07/24/2022 - Ranch - Men’s Boot Camp Workout Northampton, PA

AO: Ranch

When: 07/24/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Biscuit, Deuce, Downsize, Drop Box, Dynamite, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Mani, Zena,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mani

The BackBlast:

My first Q in awhile was a tabata style bar burner drawn up by Dynamite. I just had the pleasure of delivering the pain.

Warm-Up: x10 reps IC
2 Goof Balls
3 Half Jacks
4 Plank Jacks
5 Leg Jacks
6 Mountain Climbers
7 Jack Presses
8 Crab Kicks
9 Power Jacks
10 Abe Vagodas
11 Grass Pickers
Mosey to the basketball court.
The Thang – Tabata timer for 40 seconds exercise and 20 seconds rest x3 sets.
1 Heart chargers – pick a point on either side and run back and forth from one to the other
2 Mountain Climbers
3 Fast Feet to Hit It’s (think Circle Burps)
4 Walking Plank – in plank position, step right hand and leg out and the left hand and leg in twice in that direction and then go back. Repeat until time expires.
5 4 Ski Hops in one direction and four in the other direction
6 Plank Jacks
7 Goof Balls
8 Ski Abs – start in plank position with feet together; hop knees to left side, back to center, then to the right side and back to center. Repeat until time expires.
9 Globe Jumps – Squat Jump in a square pattern (think jumping to each corner of the square)
10 4 Push-ups and 4 Mountain Climbers
Mosey to the stage every man 10 count wall sits.
Mary – dealer’s choice
Prayers for safe travels, restoration of health and relationships, courage, and prayers for our kids as they face numerous challenges in the culture.

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