12/19/2023 - Swamp - “Las Posadas” Beatdown

AO: 2301Swamp

When: 12/19/2023


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Biscuit, Deuce, Dial Up, Downsize, Dr. Luck, Hot Shot, Knievel, Monopoly, Slice, Spoiler, Stand-in,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dial Up

The BackBlast:

Commemorating Joseph and Mary’s search for shelter. We will travel (mosey) to different spots of the park for pain stations.

Trunk rolls, Imperial walkers, Abe Vigoda, Merkins, slow Merkins.
We lined up single file and skipped across the parking lot. 10 x Monkey Humpers. Skipped back to shovel flag.
Jog in place, high knees, buttkickers, boxing trot
The Thang
Refused shelter, so we must keep searching. Mosey.
1st stop- bathrooms
Hand release Merkins
2nd: pavilion-
3rd: pavilion-
Negative pull ups.
4th: Bandshell-
Balls to the Wall
5th: Snack stand pavilion-
Peoples chair
6th: pavilion by lawn circle-
Mike Tyson pushups
squat jumps
7th: Community building-
Carolina dry docks
Partner up and carry your partner to edge of parking lot. Switch partners and go back.
Wheelbarrows back and forth across parking lot
8th: gazebo
5 alligator crawls, 5 Merkins back to the parking lot.
Meet back at Parking lot
World’s greatest stretch
9th home: 6 PAX met at Macungie Diner for Coffee-teria and fellowship
Big things have humble beginnings.

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