03/26/2024 - Swamp - Crowd Source Beatdown

AO: Swamp

When: 03/26/2024


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Balboa, Biscuit, Boo Boo, Czechmate, Dr. Luck, Drop Box, Dutch Oven, Heisenberg, Knievel, Lilo, Long Haul, Slice, Spoiler,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Slice

The BackBlast:

EBS- 4 for 2.7 miles. Hills, Hills, Hills!


WARMUP: Stretch Right, Center, Left,  Casey Cassums, SSH (20 IC), Merkins (15 SC), Slow Abe Vigotas (10 IC),  WGS


THE THANG:   The Q is celebrating another revolution around the sun, so he decided to do his favorite beatdown.  It is kind of a crowd source/ distributed leadership Q.   Good opportunity for everyone of the PAX to lead the cadence count.  Also, allot of repeats of (usually) difficult exercises.Thang 1:    Mosey to the place set and split into 3 groups.
Group A-  Merkins (AMRAP)
Group B- Pull Ups (AMRAP)
Group C- 5 Burpees (Timer group)While Group C is doing the burpees, Group A and B do there exercise AMRAP.  When Group C is complete rotate, rinse, and repeat.  We did 2 full rotations.      Got the PAX blood flowing for the main eventThang 2:   Mosey to the circle.    Line up in a circle.   Due to time constraint the Q had 5 random PAX select there favorite exercises.    And the nominees where:
Slice- American Hammers
Balboa- Burpees
Lilo- Elevator Merkins
Boo Boo- Motivators
Biscuit- LBCs
The Thang is doing those 5 exercises in an increasing number of reps, but each round a different PAX will lead the cadence count of the exercise.   After completing 1 set of the 5 exercises the PAX will mosey halfway around the circle.   At that point we will complete another set of the 5 exercises, but 2 reps with a different PAX counting cadence for each exercise.   After a completed set mosey another half circle, rinse and repeat until time runs out.    We were able to complete 7 reps.  That gave each PAX 2 or 3 times to take the lead and count cadence for an exercise.  Some attempts better than others!

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  March 30th Hamburg Manniversary 7am,    April 6th Log of Fame ceremony at Bee Hive 6:30 Beatdown,  May 11th Fish by the Fire at the Ranch 6:30 Beatdown

COT:  Prayers for Milestone, Prayers for Knievel’s son (Travis) with a broken arm.   The Q expressed his gratitude to the men and the group at large.  He reflected on previous birthdays, especially last year doing the GTE.   There were comments about the Q finally looking his age.    Always an honor to lead and suffer along side each man.

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