03/11/2023 - Ranch - CORE CAMP

AO: Ranch

When: 03/11/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Deuce, Downsize, Drop Box, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Monopoly,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Downsize

The BackBlast:

CORE CAMP – 3.11.23

Conditions: 37º, light drizzle & light breeze. All in all, a pleasant morning, made that much more as Monopoly, up from TX, dropped by for the beatdown. Disclaimers agreed upon, we sought dry ground under the pavilion and got to it. YHC brought some interesting & different core-focused exercises to mix up the day.

Warm Up at the main pavilion:
Stretches – arms, neck, trunk, back, Abe Vigoda’s, Side/Front Lunge, Mtn Climbers

Mosey to Bandshell for Squnge-Fest:
2 Rounds of the Following:
Ground-touch squats
Forward lunge with twist
Standing side crunch
Back lunge pulses (5): leg up forward to arm with split-second resistance, repeat other leg

Mosey to Coupon Shed:
Wood chops – dumbbell swing (diagonal-up)
Wood chops – other side
Colt 45’s

Mosey back to pavilion:
We all attempted the GrowRuck qualifier; goal is to complete each of the following, 2 minutes per exercise:
50 Butterfly Pushups
50 Hand-release merkins
Monopoly shared with us the military standard for HRM’s. Only makes us stronger!

As it was raining still, we finished up under the pavilion as follows:
SSH with jab aka Jack and Jab (IC)
TicToc Mtn Climbers – Mountain climbers where you bring your knee up and then to the side to opposite elbow. These were more difficult than they appear.

(I had in the winkie, Lifting Moti Burpees (Motivators with hand release merkin burpees between each set), but as we ran out of time, we had to forgo them. It was heart-breaking for many, but I needed to be respectful of the time.)

Mary – dealers choice: box cutters, Freddie mercuries, crunchy frogs, J-Lo’s

Cor, NoR, shares and prayers

Drop Box led the Q Source discussion at Panera Bread in Whitehall. Always good.

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