08/15/2023 - - Circuit Wheel (Oreo Carrying the Post)


When: 08/15/2023


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Beaker, Ditto, Kettle Corn, Myra, Oreo, Picasso, Pocahontas, Potsie, Woz,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Kettle Corn

The BackBlast:

Conditions: Low 80’s Nice weather, a little humid

Started at 5:15pm.

All say aye to the Disclaimer

Today was Oreo’s 50th workout. So he signed the post of honor and had the privilege of carrying the post throughout the workout.

Warm-Ups: Run to the Valley of Death,  did some arm circles, Toe Touches, Jumping jacks, Plank into calf stretches. Took a knee and stretched the hips out and finished with a groin stretch.

Leaving the Valley of death we ran to the playground. We got bullied out of playing on the swings and jungle gym by some tough 8 year olds. So we took to the stairs. Splitting into (2) Four man groups. One group did agility drill on the stairs and other group waited and did squats. The groups rotated between stairs and squats for 3 rounds.

Next we stayed in that area for the 15ft hills. The (2) groups rotated; while one group bear crawled up and down the hill. The other group did Merkins for (3) rounds.

Jogging to the Pavilion for a circuit workout. Cones were spaced out with a different workout per station. Starting the circle was the “Time Keeper” this person counted out 30 seconds while doing a (Station 1) squat and holding the “Post of Honor” (Oreo let us all hold the Post), next in line was (Station 2)wide Merkins, A (20lb) Kettle bell was our coupon for (Station 3)arm swings, Beaker brought his coupon (Station 4) battle ropes for everyone, next were some simple (Station 5) Merkins, to switch things up (Station 6) we did Box Cutters, Some more Ab exercises (Station 7) 6inches, Rounding our circle out we finished with (Station 8) WWI’s. We did this full circuit twice.

With some time left we did a round of merry with Freddy mercury, diamond merkins, side planks and WWI

Announcements for the fantasy football team, and a local race


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