01/17/2023 - Swamp - Cardinal’s Run and Repeat

AO: Swamp

When: 01/17/2023


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Biscuit, Cougar, Dial Up, Downsize, Dr. Luck, Drop Box, Duggan, Heisenberg, Hot Shot, Neon, Slice,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Duggan

QIC: Dial Up

The BackBlast:

We dedicated this workout to an PAX member from F3 Knoxville, TN that passed recently. The workout below was his VQ so we repeated his beatdown as a tribute.

10- Side Straddles Hops

10 Merkins*
10- Flutter Kicks
10- Little Baby Arm Circles Forward
10- “ “ Backward
10- Hallujahs
10- Knoxville Cherry Pickers*
20 Sec. Samson Hold*
PHELPS it out
10- Willie Mayes Hayes

“Card’s Run and Repeat”

5- Burpees – We suggest a moment of silence for our brother Cardinal after completing this first set. -Rampart Burpee Counter 10
Big Boys
Heels to Heaven

Two moseys around the parking lot

10- Burpees Burpee Counter 30
Little Baby Crunches
Mt. Climbers Double Count

Two moseys around the parking lot

15- Burpees Burpee Counter 60
Air Squats
Freddy Mercury’s
Two moseys around the parking lot
When you return hold squat until all Pax have finished

As a group if there is time

20- Burpees Burpee Counter 100



At the COT we offered up intentions to Cardinal and his family. It’s always an honor to lead such a great group of men!

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