AO: Trojan
When: 06/15/2023
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names: Biscuit, Downsize, Dr. Luck, Dr. Seuss, Heisenberg, Hot Shot, Long Haul,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Downsize
The BackBlast:
Conditions: 54°, clear, calm, beautiful morning after yesterday’s storm. Almost beach weather, time to get in beach condition so we focused on arms/shoulders, abs, legs. 3 beach stations. At each, we split into 2 teams, with team A doing the first of 3 exercises while team B did a short lap, then we’d switch off. Once completed we all mosey’d to the second station and repeat, as follows:
Warm ups, Mosey & Team up for the Thang:
Snack Bar (playground):
Merkins / Laps – pavilion & back
Squats / Laps
Hanging leg lifts / Laps
Lifeguard Station (basketball ct):
Wide merkins / Laps – (around the ct)
Monkey humpers / Laps
JLo’s / Laps
Tiki Bar (pavilion):
Diamond merkins / Laps (around the circle)
Step-ups / Laps
LBCs / Laps
Mary – dealers choice
CoR, NoR, CoT