All By Myself (almost)

0528..psyching myself up for a solo run… and we got one coming in hot! warmarama:  ssh, mc, more night clubs atms mosey to pullup bar for morning call x2 mosey to pavilion for elevens: Burpees/ dr ws derkins/ lunges box jumps/ dips mosey back prayers Bogey out  

Will Power

19-Oct-2017 Trojan Workout 6 PAX posted to the Trojan under a starry sky. Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk (e.g., if you trip over a skunk) and full liability. You are best able to determine …

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Parking lot, all acronyms

Warmarama: SSH IC ATMs x 2 -Black Jack:  jog to one end of parking lot, 1 merkin, jog back 20 lbcs..continue Reversing count with total always equaling 21 -BLIMPS:  5 burpees, 10 lunges each leg, 15 imperial walkers, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks, 30 squats  

From the Field Manual

Workout October 17, 2017 For the first workout in a long time the game time temp was in the 30s. Only 6 denied the warmth of the fartsack and were rewarded with a page from the Army field manual for “Circuit Training & Exercise Drills.” While the Q, Neon, likes to cut his arrivals close …

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No hill too steep

Warmarama:  SSH, MC, Moroccan night clubs mosey long way to hill clock merkins dora 123 on hill: P1:  backwards run up hill, forward run down, backwards run up, bear crawl down P2:  burpees x 100, merkins x 200, lunges/ gorilla walk x 300 (we called it around 200) mosey back to pavilion abs:  American hammer, …

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A Glorious Workout

Warm-up Round 1 Part 1 (baseball field) Partner-up 200 push-ups total, one person does push-ups until partner makes his way around the bases carrying bucket of stone, two plates (25s, 35s, or 45s), or single or double sandbag. Part 2: repeat the same with 200 squats. Round 2: run to playground, then partner-up in groups …

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New style burpees

Disclosure Warmarama: ssh x20, monkey h’s x 15, MC’s x15 -Mucho chesto (merkins/10, wide merks/10, diamond merks/10, Stagger left/10, stagger right/10) -High knees across parking lot, butt kickers back, -50 percent run across, 75 percent back -One more round of Mucho chesto mosey to pull-ups -morning call (pax 1 pullup/squat) (rest of pax Keep pace …

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Snakes in a pavilion

Disclaimer Warmarama Abe Vigoda, arm circles, stretches, SSH, goofballs, squats, more stretches The Thang Snake in and out of the benches (1 round) Round o merkins Plank Snake in and out of the benches (2 rounds) Round o squats, bobby Hurley, lunges, one legged squats, one legged deadlifts Plank Snake in and out of the …

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Fleetwood strong

4 strong, beautiful 61 degree morning for a little beat down bonding. Warmarama Stay in parking lot for shuttle runs…back and forth with burpees on each return trip…5, 7, 9, 11, 13… Mosey to pullup bars “Morning call”: P1 calls out his pullup reps, rest of pax match With merkins…go thru all pax then repeat …

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Two For Hill Duty

Warmarama: SSH x 20, Mountain Climbers x 15, Goofballs x 15 Mosey to Hill Clock Merkins Hill Doras: P1 Burpees x 100, Merkins x 200, Lunges x 200 P2 Crab Walk up hill, Peter Parker x 5 on top off hill, Bear Crawl down hill Mosey back to shovel flag for ABS VSITS to failure

F3 Lehigh Valley