From the Field Manual

Workout October 17, 2017

For the first workout in a long time the game time temp was in the 30s. Only 6 denied the warmth of the fartsack and were rewarded with a page from the Army field manual for “Circuit Training & Exercise Drills.”

While the Q, Neon, likes to cut his arrivals close and he was five minutes late but with an excuse note from Craftsman for his malfunctioning garage door. Also arriving late to the party with a note from his momma was Capone, whose note read something about a flat tire (its hard to read crayon writing in the dark).


Mosey, circle up and squat benders, cross country skiers, monkey humpers, and SSDs. A little plank work followed: dive bomber pushups, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers and shoulder taps.

The Thang

The PAX kicked into high gear with a lap around the loop; bear crawls, sprint, bear crawls and sprint home. Followed by another lap; burpee broad jumps, sprint, crab walk and mosey to pavilion

Under the pavilion lights the PAX worked on their beach muscles with derkins, lunges, dips, and imperial squats galore.

Mosey to the playground for maxing out on the back press and pullups and back to the pavilion for Mary.

Countarama / Namearama: 6

Announcements: Second F event at 1760 Pub Wed 10/18 at 5

Inspiration: Capone shared his reading of Philippians 4: 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

COT: 6:15 AM

F3 Lehigh Valley