Hope Rescue Mission

  9 Pax posted to bring an F3 workout to Hope Rescue Mission. We welcomed 17 FNGs! It was a great time with the guys, lots of fellowship and encouragement. Demo, Slowbear, Beaker, Flame, Doubtfire, Corruption, Feedbag, Bogey, Treehugger Mountain Man, Marley, Bishop, Preacher, Backspin, Emeril, Crosscheck, Stud, Samson, Bomber, Steel, Miyagi, Munchie, Hair band, …

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Brrr…Baby it’s cold outside

2 degrees, no wind disclosure warmarama:  SSH, Mountain Climbers, drill sergeants (up downs) mosey to bathroom building Circuits: Round 1 (10 reps for all exercises with reps) Circuit A:  BTTW (as long as possible), donkey kicks, people’s chair (each pax counts  out rep individually while everyone does air presses)…back other direction with air punches run …

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December 28, 2017

Phil. 4:8 “Whatever is . . . think about such things.” Oh, the weather outside was frightful, but the PAX were thinking about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy, not the cold weather.  It was a mind over matter morning as the site Q was considering cancelling the workout …

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Frozen on the Fen

It was very cold at the Swamp but that doesn’t alliterate very well…it was 9°F with a light breeze which pushed the limits of our zero degree cancellation policy.  Nonetheless, two PAX swallowed the red pill this morning and posted for a frosty frolic in the fen (ah, that is more catchy!).  What a great …

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Down Range Q

A few months ago I was contacted by a man that goes by the F3 name of Sunspot. Sunspot recently moved to Mount Joy, PA and wanted to know how far away our workouts are. Too far to commute. So what does #thatsomebody do? Starts his own AO. I decided to help get them started …

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Frigid in Fleetwood

11 degrees, no wind disclosure warmarama:  SSH, mountain climbers, imperial walkers thang 1:  75 percent Run speed length of parking lot and back/ 10 merkins, 5 burpees Down and back again: 20/ 10, and again: 30/15 mosey to pullup bar for thang 2:  morning call: take turns on pull-ups to failure, rest of pax performing …

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In-TEN-sity at the Pond

In-TEN-sity Workout 10 of each exercise then lap around playground and 1 minute plank after each exercise: Warm up: 1. Side straddle hops in cadence 2. Goof balls in cadence 3. Grass pickers 4. Monkey humpers Workout: 1. Sprint to 4 scissor jumps 2. Elbow Plank with leg pulses – 10 each leg 3. squat …

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For the first time i can recall we used the amphitheater for shelter from the wind. The gust were a little much at temperatures in the teens. This played well with the theme of the workout, be a light onto the world. Moseyed to warm-a-rama. LBAC – x20 BBAC – x20 Huggy Bears – x10 …

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Christmas Pagent

Christmas day special: The Pax decided that our little ones would probably sleep past 6:15 a.m. so we decided “why not?” While reading the story of the first Christmas from Luke 2 the Pax planked.  Periodically, the Pax broke plank to act out the story.  E.g., down on one knee for lunges when the text …

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Good thangs come in 4s

Warm-a-rama Side straddle hops, grass pickers, arm circles, mountain climbers   The Thang Escalation by 4s: 4 merkin- run- 8 merkings run 12 merkins…. Repeat until 16 Swap out the merkins with burpees and repeat the climb to 16 Mosey to pavilions and swap out the merkins for pull up, “hang or bang” running between …

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F3 Lehigh Valley