Frigid in Fleetwood

11 degrees, no wind


warmarama:  SSH, mountain climbers, imperial walkers

thang 1:  75 percent Run speed length of parking lot and back/ 10 merkins, 5 burpees

Down and back again: 20/ 10, and again: 30/15

mosey to pullup bar for

thang 2:  morning call: take turns on pull-ups to failure, rest of pax

performing 5 clap merkins/ 10 ww1s

pavilion for Thang 3: 3 rounds of box jumps/ dips/ derkins

with a round of abs after round 2

basletball court for Thang 4: Dora:  Pax 1 bear crawl width of court,

crawl bear back….Pax 2 working on burpees…flapjack

-did 2 rounds, 2nd round did lunges walk across, long jump back

mosey back to start for…


F3 Lehigh Valley