Four Corners Escalator Again

10-Jul-2018 5 PAX posted to the Swamp for a four corners escalator workout that was recycled material from Saturday’s workout at the Grill. One would think that doing the same workout twice within a week should make it easier. But for YHC, that was not necessarily true. The disclaimer was given and the PAX moseyed …

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Four Corners Escalator

07-Jul-2018 Disclaimer: Welcome to F3. There are some things you need to know about F3 and we always need to remind each other: 1. Only men over the age of 18 can participate in the workout and accept this disclaimer. 2. I am not a professional, which points to our core principal of being volunteer …

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Summer Fun

3×3 basketball with the scoring playing choosing the punishment in reps of 20 for each bade basket. Then, 3×3 hotbox (ultimate Frisbee) with the scoring teaming doing squats/merkins whiles losers walk.

A 17-76 Partnership in Pain

A VF PAX of 11 gathered for a Side Effects Q within the friendly confines of Reeves Park. As the PAX would soon find out Reeves Park would not be so friendly on this beautiful Saturday morning even though the temps in the 60’s gave us some relief. Disclaimer and F3 Introduction Mosey to a …

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Lee Hindenburg

Ten PAX attended the morning beatdown given by Flame. Lots of Mumblechatter this morning as we moseyed to a few pearls on the string for the warm-a-rama. Beautiful morning with no humidity would suite us well for this workout. Hindenburg BLIMPS 4 corners – Parking Lot. At each corner the exercise and reps prescribed is performed. …

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Tripple Threat!

It was not easy to get out of bed this morning recovering from the 1776 workout and 3rd workout of the week for some. Full Disclosure: This workout was not pre-planned; however, lots of stretching was brewing in minds eye on the way to AO. T-Claps to Flame, Beaker, and Lugi for coming up strong …

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The 1776 Workout

This workout has been modified from last year. Improvements included taking reps from 1576 to 1776, pushing back start time to 07:00, and increasing workout time from 45 minutes to 60 minutes. Suffice to say after almost 2 years of working out with this group of men, this was the toughest workout YHC participated and …

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Gross II

03-Jul-2018 7 PAX posted at the Swamp for a re-used workout. YHC efficiently (or lazily) repeated the workout used on a different set of PAX on Saturday at the Grill. The disclaimer was (not?) given…I think. Mosey to flag pole Warm-a-rama: Abe Vigoda, Sun Gods, Grass Pickers, Carioca, High Knees, Best Stretch Ever, Mountain Climbers, …

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Lots of Legs on Bridge

A PAX of 10 enjoyed the cool(er) early morning temps while braving a whole new workout world…Bridge Street in Phoenixville. Who knew that a “grassy knoll” next to Customers Bank (which is much more a patch of grass than an actual knoll), blue light posts, and a cobble stone street/hill could be so much “fun”? …

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30-Jun-2018 3 PAX posted to the Grill on a morning that promised to bring a scorcher. The heat was quickly turned up as the workout commenced following the disclaimer. Mosey to tennis court Warm-a-rama: Abe Vigoda, Sun Gods, Grass Pickers, Carioca, High Knees, Slow to Fast Mountain Climbers, Parker Peter, Motivator (15 down to 1) …

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F3 Lehigh Valley