Burpee 10s

As the flood waters subsided the PAX posted two by two. No dove with an olive leaf just some bats frolicking in the morning gloom. Warmorama: Mosey, SSHs, grass pickers, Abe Vagodas, dive bomber merkins, side squats Mosey for somw burpees tens. the PAX circle up amd do 10 burpees, and then each member picks …

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IronPAX Challenge Week 1 – Bee Hive

The F3 IronPAX Challenge – Week 1 YHC arrived early to the Hive to place signs and measure the 400 meters. With a close ear to the sky’s for thunder and lightning, YHC carefully laid out the course that we would take to complete the challenge. Upon arrival Dr. Seuss informed YHC this could not …

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IronPAX Suckfest Round #1

Only 4 veteran PAX were daring enough to show themselves with the first round of the IronPAX on tap. They each proved themselves up to the challenge, but it showed us each the higher level of fitness achieved by some throughout F3 Nation, mucho respecto is definitely do those posting those times in the low …

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Ironing Out Details

The penalty for signing up to Q and showing up late is taking the Iron Pax Challenge The Thang https://f3greenwood.com/2018/08/05/ironpaxchallenge-week-1-workout/ CoT Prayers for all our wife’s and mothers especially as YHC has her 20 week ultrasound today and Long Haul’s daughter awaits a new born within the next few days. Asking for healing over Mr. …

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Focus on Failure

The PAX gathered at the Swamp to focus on failure. this was a recurring theme in the exercises and mumblechatter Warm-o-rama: Mosey, Grass pickers, Abe Vagodas, squats, SSHs, monkey humpers. Leaping bounds for 100 yards, buttkickers 50 yards and high knees for 50 yards The Thang Mosey to jungle gym for failurepullups. Each member called …

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Bearing the Rain in Style

8 PAX bear’ed the slight rain and soggy conditions in the Blast Furnace, which is a bit ironic, but then how much more ironic will it be when its snowing. We all know it doesn’t refer to the temperatures anyway, it refers to what happens to the men when they enter in, they are refine …

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A Year with F3

This weekend marks one-year since I posted to my first F3 workout. I had listened to a podcast on the Art of Manliness about Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. As Brett McKay interviewed the founders of F3, Dredd and OBT, I was intrigued. I looked up the F3 website and discovered that there was an F3 …

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Another Soggy Slog

04-Aug-2018 2 ½ inches of rain overnight on top of already water-logged ground…the Grill was sodden. YHC arrived ~ 15 minutes early and searched for the driest 100-yard stretch on the field for the IronPAX pre-challenge. Not much luck, the stretch still had areas of standing water. Oh well, we would just have to resign …

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IronPAX Pre-Challenge

Ok, so here is the story. The F3 IronPAX Challenge started in a far away galaxy a long long time ago. The name of this galaxy is F3 Greenwood and they are from the galaxy known as “Cray, Cray.” We moseyed and warmed up in the pavilion closest to the football field. The warm up …

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AAA (Abs, arms, and ass)

Thursday, August 2. I miss July. To my everlasting shame, YHC arrived a few minutes late to Q. So Uptown began the warm-up with sun-gods, motivators, grass pickers, and monkey humpers. YHC took over and completed the warm-up with some light jogging, shuffling, bending, skipping, high knees, and butt kickers. Movement #1 – Suicides in …

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F3 Lehigh Valley