F3 IronPax Challenge Week 3

The @F3IronPAX Challenge has showed me I can do more. I am capable of more. I am worth more and I deserve more. So do you! If there is anything you take away from these challenges besides sore muscles I hope it is a belief in yourself. You can do this, what your this is …

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Arm Relief and IronPAX Week 3

8 PAX surfaced with arms still recovering from IronPAX Challenge Week #2, but even when given the opportunity to opt-out for a running workout option, they each selected the challenge.  T-claps for choosing to do hard things and accelerate in the gloom! Disclaimer Haul gear to baseball field Mosey around the park COP SSH x …

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Focus on Today

August 23, cool, dry morning Uptown stressed the importance of the disclaimer which Dr. Seuss muddled. Warm-up: neck roll, trunk roll, leg swings, quad stretch, calf stretch, SSH, grass pickers, and monkey humpers.  Mosey to basketball court. Movement #1: running:  Three suicides, high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle, karaoke, line hops, bending at lines, and …

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Conquering Doubt, Worry, and Anxiety

Tuesday, August 21 – humid morning Disclaimer and presentation of theme – The Bible tells us not to worry or have doubts or anxiety. Warm-up: various stretches, plank jacks, SSH, grass pickers, mosey around central field at park. Movement #1: Goal was to complete three shuttle runs in parking lot during the time it took …

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F3 Strategy Meeting – 2018-08-20

Meeting Minutes: New AO Launch – On Monday, September 3, 2018 at 7:00 AM, Dr. Seuss will be leading the launch of a new AO at Faith Church, 6528 Hamilton Blvd, Allentown, PA 18106.  Normal workouts will be Monday and Friday from 5:30am – 6:45am.  Dr. Suess will be writing up more details about this …

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Shared Q

Seven guys each took charge of six minutes of the Q.  The goal was to see which Q could bring the most pain.  The result was an impressive level of max output for 42 minutes.

F3 Iron Pax Challenge Week 2

YHC arrived  little early to the Bee Hive to setup the scene. At that time I met Joe from Charlotte, Aka, Shooter. Always great to host DR Pax for a workout. Warm-a-rama  We moseyed to the other side of the park then: LBAC, Huggy Bears, Abe Vagodas, Grass Pickers, Plank, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Monkey Humpers, …

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IronPAX Challenge #2 in The Grill

YHC woke to two text messages — Teardrop and Wichita were at the shore and would not make the workout and Mr. Clean had two football scrimmages and a double graduation party to prepare for so he would also not make it.  Nonetheless, four PAX showed up in the morning gloom at the Grill.  However, …

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IronPax Challenge #2 in the Furnace

8 PAX showed for the IronPAX Challenge Week #2, proving to YHC that the challenge didn’t scare them away last week, but vacations took precedent.  Much pre-workout chatter about the search for the perfect cinder block for the workout and, of course, Boyant’s newest fashion statement. Disclaimer After hauling all equipment and supplies to the …

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Flame’s F3 Baseball

Three moseyed to the park for Flame’s edition of F3 Baseball. Player A at home plate while Player B “runs” the bases. Player B completes 10 repetitions of the exercise of the round at each base. Player A is at home plate performing as many reps as possible before Player A returns. Flapjack and Repeato …

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F3 Lehigh Valley