3 posted to the Grill on Saturday morning following a soaking overnight. Some rain was still in the forecast but YHC was determined not to let that deter the workout…soaking or not YHC is tired of being stuck in the band stand. Fortunately for the PAX, we only experienced some mild drizzle but did have to run through a sodden baseball field that resembled a marsh.
Disclaimer was given.
Mosey to basketball court
Warm-a-rama: SSH, Arm Circles, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Slow to fast Mountain Climbers, Zig-zag Hops, Side Squats
The Thang:
Mosey to band stand
~ 130-yard wind sprints between the bandstand and playground pavilion/exercise/return/exercise. Repeat 5X
- Wind Sprint/ 10 Burpee/ Bear Crawl 50 yards/ mosey/ 20 Ranger Merkins
- Wind Sprint/ 10 Carolina Dry Docks/ Lunge Walk 50 yards/ mosey/ 10 Staggered Merkin each arm
- Wind Sprint/ 10 Donkey Kicks/ Side Shuffle 50 yards/ mosey/ 20 Wide Merkins
- Wind Sprint/ 20 Imperial Walkers/ Side Shuffle 50 yards/ mosey/ 20 Diamond Merkins
- Wind Sprint/ 20 Squats/ High Knees 50 yards/ mosey/ 20 Merkins
Mosey back to playground
2 PAX do 10 Pull-ups while one does Step-ups until all complete pull-ups. Repeat 2X
Mosey to band stand
Mary: Dealer’s Choice — WWI, LBC (40+; Wichita was counting out and was over zealous); we ended with just 2 sets due to a lot of mumblechatter.
COT: Prayers for Apollo’s kidney stone which is on the move, prayers for guidance for Wichita with a business venture and Teardrop’s shoulder issues.
The mumblechatter continued at coffeeteria…It is great to have other men to speak into each other’s lives.