During some mumble chatter at coffeteria YHC decided to take action and Q a weekday beatdown…a VQ at that!
30-Jul-2019 Conditions: Dark and Humid
Warm-up: Flying Sun Gods Sobriety Style, Matt Biondi, Mountain Man Poopers
The Thang: Quarter Pounder, holding plank for the 6 at the Starting Line (Sprint to the 25 yards and Do 25 merkins, Run backwards to Starting line and Sprint to the 50 and do 50 squats, Run Backwards to Starting Line and Sprint to the 75 and do 75 Mountain Climbers…Some confusion as to how to count each mountain climber…YHC counted every other leg as 1….but, hey modify as needed, right? Run backwards to the Starting Line and Sprint to the 100 and do 100 SSH) Speed bumps were a built in obstacle.
Just when the PAX thought the beat down was over, YHC served up some Bear Crawl Burpees to top it off. Bear crawl 25 yards and complete 5 Burpees, continue bear crawl and burpees until the 100 yard marker.
Two rounds of Mary dealers choice, WWII’s, Freddie Mercury, Box Cutters, Windshield Wipers, Peter Parkers, LBC’s, and J. Lo’s in honor of Timmy Ho, compliments of Pocahontas