Conditions: partly cloudy, the stars were out, 37 degrees, light breeze, beautiful morning for pre-dawn run. Disclaimer verbally accepted at 5:15 and we got to it.
Warm-up: OYO – Huggy Bears, trunk and neck rolls, IC – Abe Vigodas, SSH, Merkens
The Thang: The goal was to get us out and gone – to where the stresses of the day melt into a simple to-do list. Mapped out a 3.1 mile course on and off-road, an easy-paced 5K (we could chat along the way for the most part) from the school to Sauerkraut, then back roads to a running path that brought us to the walking bridge over Spring Creek. There we circled back to the school via more back roads.
Mary— she didn’t show. Just a simple warm down walk across the parking lot
COT – praises for the morning, prayers for those in need.