10/14/2023 - Ranch - Would You Rather

AO: Ranch

When: 10/14/2023


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Biscuit, Deuce, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Mani,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mani

The BackBlast:

Warm-Up: x10 reps IC (5 min) 

  1. SSH
  2. Goof Balls
  3. Half Jacks 
  4. Plank Jacks
  5. Leg Jacks
  6. Mountain Climbers
  7. Jack Presses 
  8. Crab Kicks 
  9. Power Jacks 


Workout: set a tabata timer for 40 seconds exercise and 20 seconds rest x20 sets (10 min/set). In other words, it’s two full rounds of the exercises. 

  1. Suicides – pick a point on either side and run back and forth from one to the other
  2. Mountain Climbers 
  3. Fast Feet to Hit It’s (think Circle Burps) 
  4. Walking Plank – in plank position, step right hand and leg out and the left hand and leg in twice in that direction and then go back. Repeat until time expires. 
  5. 4 Ski Hops in one direction and four in the other direction
  6. Plank Jacks
  7. Goof Balls
  8. Ski Abs – start in plank position with feet together; hop knees to left side, back to center, then to the right side and back to center. Repeat until time expires.
  9. Globe Jumps – Squat Jump in a square pattern (think jumping to each corner of the square)
  10. 4 Push-ups and 4 Mountain Climbers

Round 2 Q incorporated Biblical Would You Rather (ex. Would you rather see Jesus feed 5,000 or see him raise Lazarus)


Burpee hill climbs halfway due to time.

6 minutes of Mary dealers choice


Prayers for teacher who passed away this week at Willow Lane and her family, for Israel, and for situation at Mac Truck.

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