10/21/2023 - Bee Hive - To Much Time in the Exicon

AO: Bee Hive

When: 10/21/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Copay, Dial Up, Jack Knife, Knievel, Slice, The Shepherd, The Washer,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Slice

The BackBlast:

Conditions:  High 50’s, clear, calm

EBS- 1 (JackKnife)

Started promptly at 6:30 with disclaimer accepted by all.


  • Stretches attempting (some successful others not so) to touch toes
  • Down to Right ankle
  • Down to Left ankle
  • Down to Center
  • Huggie Bears (10)
  • Arm Circles
  • Trunk rolls
  • Active Warm-up:
    • Toy Soldiers across the parking lot
    • Mosey across the parking lot
    • High Knees across the parking lot
    • Nur across the parking lot
    • Karaoke across the parking lot
    • Karaoke across the parking lot
  • SSH (10)
  • Abe Vagotas (10)
  • Mericans (10)
  • Monkey Humpers (10)
  • T claps (10)

The Thang:

The Q was not able to attend any other beatdowns this week, which is a rarity.   He spent the week longingly searching the Exicon for the “perfect” beatdown to be the center piece of his week.   Like all good beatdowns it features a new (to the Q) type of Burpee.

Hand Release Prison Cell Merican Burpee (HRPCMB)

            From the Exicon “Drop to Plank, do 1 Hand Release Merkin then bring your right knee in and back, do 1 Hand Release Merkin then bring your left knee in and back, do 1 Hand Release Merkin then bring both feet in and jump up = 1 HRPCMB complete”

The Q demoed the HRPCMB and the PAX all performed 3 together.  A great start!

Mosey to the Basketball Court

Thang 1:  3 Rounds of Suicides.   After each suicide PAX would hold an Al Gore for the Six. Once the Six was in we would perform Squats IC.   Round 1 was 10 Squats, round 2 was 15 Squats, Round 3 was 20 Squats

Thang 2: Land and Sea

            PAX lined up one side of the basketball court.  We Bear Crawled to the center line.  Once at the center we would perform HRPCMBs.   Once the HRPCMBs were complete we would Crab Walk to the other end of the basketball court.   Once at the other baseline we (as a group) would mosey back to the starting side of the basketball court.   That is 1 round.  We did 5 rounds of Land and Sea.   Round 1 was 5 HRPCMBs, round 2 was 4 HRPCMBs, Round 3 was 3 HRPCMBs, Round 4 was 2 HRPCMBs, and Round 5 was 1 HRPCMBs.

Mosey to the raised curb near the pool entrance.

Thang 3:  Dominoes

            The Q liked this one.  It is a good one to add to the series of Plank related exercises.

All the PAX line up shoulder to shoulder (with a little space for Mericans).   The PAX should line up near a curb, so the hand will be on the curb and the feet will be on the road/path.  All the PAX start in the same position with the left hand in the air for side plank.   Starting at one end of the line the lead man will drop down and perform 3 mericans. Upon, completion of the 3 Mericans he will hold plank.  At that point the next PAX will drop down and perform 3 Mericans.  Rinse and repeat until all the PAX are holding plank with two hands on the curb.   The Q didn’t want to leave the group unbalanced, so we repeated the Dominoes, but starting with a Right hand in the air side plank.   The idea is the PAX looks like they are a slow-moving set of dominoes falling over, one after the other after the other!

Mosey to the dugout at the baseball field.

Thang 4:  Wall work in 3 parts

            Part 1:  Donkey Kick-Offs.

                                    The PAX performed 5 donkey kicks off the wall.  At the completion of the 5th Donkey kick we held out legs up in a Balls to the Wall position for a 10 count.    We did 3 sets of the Donkey Kick-Offs

            Part 2:  People’s Chair Indian Run

                                    The PAX would all hold the Peoples Chair (back against the wall in a seated position) while the PAX at the end of the line would run around the dugout.  Once that PAX returned to position the next PAX would run around the dugout.  Rinse and Repeat until the end of the PAX.   We did the rotation 2 times, just for fun.

            Part 3:  Dwight Howard

                                    The inspiration for this exercise is the epic video of Dwight Howard (basketball player) and his vertical leap.  We attempted to re-create this moment in time.   All the PAX would continue a vertical leap (touching the roof of the dugout) while the PAX performed an Indian Run fashion similar as above.

Mosey back to the flag.

Along the Mosey we ran into the newest PAX “The Washer”.  Earlier in the workout the Q talked about the “Good Morning” routine.  When the PAX are on a jog and encounter a person that responds to the “Good Morning” (responds with any verbal response) the PAX would drop down and do an exercise.  The Q picked 10 Mericans.   “The Washer” responded and we all dropped down and did 10 Mericans. (Gotta love when a plan comes together)

Thang 5:  Accountability Burpees

We had 3 PAX show up after the disclaimer, which is deemed late.  A tenant of F3 is having a standard and holding each other accountable to the standard.  The way we hold each other accountability is Penalty Burpees.   We performed 10 HRPCMB’s in a circle burpee formation.    Gotta love some accountability in the morning!

Round of Mary-  2 Minutes-  American Hammers, Half Superman, and Big Boys

CoT- CoR, NoR, Announcements, Prayers and Praises.

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F3 Lehigh Valley