05/23/2023 - Swamp - The Swamp Straight a way beatdown

AO: Swamp

When: 05/23/2023


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Biscuit, Copay, Deuce, Dial Up, Dr. Luck, Dr. Seuss, Drop Box, Heisenberg, Knievel, Neon, Slice, The Shepherd,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Deuy

The BackBlast:

12 Pax assembled for Early morning beatdown at the Swamp.  Low 50’s and dry with low humidity and sun.

Warmorama :

  • Hip rolls  10
  • Neck rolls 1/2 way; 10
  • Michael Phelps:  10 over and under
  • Worlds greatest stretch:  each side 5 count each pax.
  • Seal claps 10×4 IC count (&hold)
  • Overhead claps 10×4 IC count (&hold)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs 10×4 IC count (&hold)
  • Abe Vagodas 10 IC
  • Grass Pickers 10 IC
  • Side straddle hops 10 IC
  • Toy shoulders 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers 10 IC
  • Merkins 10 (Straight Count)


  1. WALL SQUAT 5 count, each pax.
  2. BALLS TO THE WALL 5 count, each pax.

Mosey to small pavilion:  

Derkins 20

Step ups 10 each leg

THE STRAIGHT A WAY:  ( 3 rounds); 4 pole spacings,  Mosey to next pole after finishing set.

LEGS:7 reverse lunges (each leg)  POLE 1

14 forward lunges (each leg)) pole 2

21 sumo squats pole 3

28 basic squats pole 4

(Mosey back to starting pole)


7 single arm single leg merkins

14 Carolina Dry Docks

21 straight count Merkins

28 Shoulder taps

(Mosey back to starting pole)


7 LBC’s

14 burpees

21 box cutters

28 Freddie Mercury’s

Mosey on back to……

Back to flag for round of Mary.

end beatdown at 6:15




Prayer requests

close in prayer; 6:30.


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