09/24/2022 - Grill - Post of Honor Debut

AO: Grill

When: 09/24/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Beaker, Ditto, Myra, Pork Chop, Potsie, Woz,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Pebbles

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

Six PAX plus one pseudo-FNG posted for a celebration of Myra and Potsie achieving their 50th workout for the year.  Technically Potsie has more than 50 workouts since he has been a regular at the Grill since last summer.  However, we’re only counting from the number listed on the website which was reset at the beginning of the year.  Ditto complained that he achieved his 50+ workouts already and had his picture with the Log of Fame to prove it.  I said we couldn’t rest on 0ur past laurels…

We started a “Post of Honor” to capture all PAX with 50 workouts.  It isn’t quite as robust as the official Log of Fame but it will suffice.

Our pseudo-FNG is my brother who was visiting from North Carolina.  He was nursing a shoulder/back injury he sustained last weekend while body surfing but he tagged along and enjoyed the camaraderie.

The Disclaimer was given and the rules for the Post of Fame as well — once the workout commenced the post could not touch the ground (or picnic table which was attempted); if it did we all would do 5 penalty burpees.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley”; Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, BSE, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the basketball court

Motivators 7 to 1

The Thang

Wilt Chamberlain (in honor of the 100 Posts of Myra and Potsie): 100 reps; run to other end of the court for next set of 100 reps:

  • Flutter Kicks
  • Squats
  • LBC
  • Lunges

Around the world pushups — gather around the center circle on the court; do a pushup and move counterclockwise to other side doing a pushup for each movement.  Repeat clockwise back to starting position.

Suicides: Starting at end line, sprint out and back to the following: 3-point line, mid court, 3-point line, far side of court

Inch Worm: from plank position, reach out as far as can then bring legs forward back to plank position; travel half way across the court.

Mosey to the playground

Pull ups AMRAP

10 Underdogs

Elevens: 1 Dip: 10 Step ups (IC); ladder to 10 Dips: 1 Step up

Mosey to the bandstand

  • Wall Sits
  • BTTW

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — 2 rounds of ab exercises

Since the Post of Honor did not touch the ground (partly because it was given to our FNG to hold during difficult exercises), I made Potsie drop it and we all finished with 5 Burpees.

COT: prayers for Myra and his M on the immanent arrival of their first 2.0.  Continued prayers for Potsie with business transition.

We named our FNG “Pebbles”.  He attempted to self name when he said his sergeant in the army called him “Rockman”.  We opted for a more diminutive name.

Six PAX including our FNG went to Four Twelve for fellowship and coffeeteria.

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