07/27/2023 - Grill - Pool Party at Ditto’s

AO: Grill

When: 07/27/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Beaker, Klinger, Mr. Green, Teardrop, The Rock, Woz,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

Ditto invited the PAX and their families to his home for a pool party with a short workout prior to the main event.  It was a perfect evening for a pool party with temperatures in the low 90’s but comfortable in the shade…and in the pool!

Six PAX posted for the workout with other PAX arriving during and afterward.

Warm-a-rama: circle up in the shade near the pond for Arm Circles, Overhead Claps, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Cobra, Shoulder Stretch, BSE, Plank Jacks

The Thang: Pool workout

We made our way back to the pool

Elevens: 1 Merkin on one side of the pool; swim across and haul out on the other side for 10 American Hammers; make way back across the pool for 2 Merkins…ladder to 10 Merkins and 1 American Hammer.  The hardest part was doing the muscle ups out of the pool for each set of reps.

Pool relay: Pair up into three teams.  One PAX from each team swims lap down the length of the pool and back and then the other PAX swims a lap; repeat two times.  We all realized we are not candidates for the Olympic swim team.

Klinger’s two 2.0’s were tagging along throughout the workout and did great.  They were given F3 names of “Horse Fly” and “Normal”

That concluded our workout.

The other PAX who showed up with their families/significant others where Potsie, Pork Chop, Picasso, Kettle Corn, Pocahontas, and Ditto, of course!  Wichita’s family was also at the party (we need to get the guy back out to the workouts!); we also had a potential FNG who we’ve been working on for quite awhile; maybe this will be the turning point and we’ll see him at the Grill.

I believe all had a great time; Ditto and his M are superlative hosts.  It was a good time to relax and enjoy time with good friends and families.

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