03/14/2023 - Grill - Pi Day!

AO: Grill

When: 03/14/2023


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Beaker, Picasso, Potsie, Woz,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

My geekiness is showing.  It is March 14th, also known as Pi Day (3.14).  To celebrate we did a pi-themed workout.  Only 4 brave (or idiotic) PAX posted as a nor’easter raged to our north.  Temperatures were chilly with wind gusts and flurries.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Monkey Humpers, Hillbillies, Grass Pickers

Mosey to the pavilion by the playground

The Thang: Pi — 3.14

3 Minutes of Cardio with a 1 minute rest followed by 4 minutes of power exercises:


  • 1 minute of SSH
  • 14-second rest
  • 1 minute of Burpees
  • 14-second rest
  • 1 minute of Bonnie Blairs

1-minute rest


  • 1 minute of Merkins
  • 14-second rest
  • 1 minute of V-ups
  • 14-second rest
  • 1 minute of Squats
  • 14-second rest
  • 1 minute of Plank Rotations

Mosey to the bandstand via Franklin street

3 exercises of 14 reps each:

  • Atomic Pushups (IC)
  • Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • Lunges (IC)

Run lap to the end of Park Ave and back along the river trail to the pavilion

11’s: 1 Dip: 10 Step ups to 10 Dips: 1 Step up

3 Rounds of Circle Burps

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Freddie Mercury, Box Cutters, Calf Raises, American Hammers

COT: prayers for Picasso’s son, Potsie’s grandchild who is due in May with some health concerns, upcoming Manniversary on April 8th; Mantour conference this coming Saturday

We continued our celebration of Pi Day by all going to the Westy for Pizza Pie!  Good fellowship!

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