08/24/2023 - Trojan - Mountain Hikes

AO: Trojan

When: 08/24/2023


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Biscuit, Deuce, Downsize, Dr. Luck, Heisenberg, Hot Shot, Open House, X-Man,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Downsize

The BackBlast:

This morning’s goal: Keep Moving – which I think worked because I don’t remember much of it. All set for 0.0 but it was dry at 5:30 so I mixed some moseys in with the warm up – we squatted etc., for the 6. Then moved on to an extended Mountain Hike program across picnic tables – a little prep for Open House’s Kilimanjaro trip.  Great to see X-man back out in the gloom!

Guys, thank you for the privilege of allowing me to Q this morning.

Warm Up:
OYO: stretches (Casey Kasums, neck, trunk).
Mosey to BB Court for IC: SSH, Abe Vigodas,

Mosey to Park Entrance for Merkins, Mountain Climbers,

Mosey to Pavilion for Peter Parkers, Side Lunge, Lunge

Bringing back an exercise Deuce introdeuced us to a while back called Mountain Hikes, which are hiking up and down across multiple picnic tables/benches. Using the 5 rows of tables under the pavilion, we began with an exercise at the front tables, walked across/over all of them to the back tables/benches, did another exercise, hiked back to the starting point for the next round. Appears simple enough at first but after 20 minutes of non-stop movement, I found climbing across tables required some serious attention.

START: 4 merkins/4 Mtn Climbers/Hike
Donkey Kick for 10 IC/Hike
BirdDogs (16)/Hike
Cossack Pelvic Tilt (16) (tilt/reverse plank/leg1 kick/leg2 kick, then back)/Hike
Ab Step Ladder – 1 merkin/1 pelvic crunch, 2&2, 3&3 etc… up to 5 and back down to 1/Hike
Dips (20)/Hike
Scissor Kicks/Hike
Flutter Kicks/Hike
Declined Merkins/Hike
Inclined Merkins/Hike
Step Ups (10 per leg)/Hike

Back to the parking lot for a Round of Mary, dealers choice, brought us right up to 6:15 (the rain finally came at 6:25).

CoR, NoR, announcements, prayer requests.


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