12/17/2022 - Steel Town - Hands and Feet

AO: Steel Town

When: 12/17/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Downsize, Dr. Luck, Open House, Pole Cat,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Downsize

The BackBlast:

Conditions: 27 degrees, clear, crisp, quiet, a gorgeous Saturday morning for a workout! Open House was leaving 10 minutes in which is when I showed up (yes I was late!). Shrugging off my fluster, we got to it.

Core principals and disclaimer agreed to, and we were on our way.

Hands and Feet. As we prepare our hearts for The Meaning of Christmas, 3 words stopped me in my tracks this week: “He became flesh…” Personally that blew right past me until when prepping for this work out, I slowed down enough to internalize it. Coincidentally I happened to watch an interview this week with Dallas Jenkins, creator of The Chosen, which unlike any other ‘Jesus show’, 1st century Palestine and it’s inhabitants.  This offers an uncanny and ever-so-human perspective to Jesus and his disciples. This made me think about Jesus as a tiny child: how’d that pottie training go, was Jesus an early walker, when did he learn to read? If he was in the synagogue at the age of 12, he certainly was an excellent reader. One would assume Mary and Joseph made sure of that knowing that somehow he was very special. The fact remains that when on this planet, from when he was born to when he left, he had hands and feet just like us. Luke 24:39 ESV: See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.”

For this workout, we used the hands and feet we were given. But like Jesus, we chose the more difficult path. In F3 terms, that’s known as CTHT (Choose the Harder Thing).  

Warm up: Stretches/SSH/Abe Vigodas /Mountain Climbers/Merkins/Peter Parkers/Imperial Walkers/Lunges

The THANG Mosey with CTHT Circuit Training

Begin: 30 seconds of mosey to a cross rock scramble/mosey to swings for Pull Ups/mosey to pavilion for Mountain hikers, Dips, Inclined Merkins, Step-ups

Mosey north and make a left at tennis courts, right onto Clair St then right again to Greenfield Rd heading south

At Parking Lot 100ft bear crawl

Back to Pavilion for Mountain Hikers,Dips, Inclined Merkins, Step-ups, (skipped the pull up at swings on the way back due to time)

Cross rock scramble then back to the parking lot

Motivators from 7

Dealers Choice: LBCs, Freddy Mercuries, 10 second low plank per man x 4, American Hammers

CoR, NoR, CoT brought us to the shovel flag pic at 7:30 sharp, at which point we all dispatched to take on the day!

Note: Pole Cat, Papa Bear, Dr. Luck, Downsize for the Workout, Open House and Dr. Luck for the Early Bird Special

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F3 Lehigh Valley