07/14/2022 - Trojan - Comic Book Beatdown

AO: Trojan

When: 07/14/2022


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Amnesia, Downsize, Dr. Seuss, Drop Box, Hot Shot, Ivory, Long Haul, Monopoly,

Number of FNGS: 3

FNG Names: Scooby, Biscuit, Dropkick

QIC: Monopoly

The BackBlast:

Core principles and disclaimer stated and agreed upon.


  • Jog in place
  • High knee jog in place
  • Wide knee/high knee jog in place
  • Butt kicker jog in place
  • Twist and pivot
  • 10 Toy soldiers (cadence)
  • 10 standing elbow curls (cadence)
  • Arm circles forward and back. Small and large
  • 10 Merkins (cadence)
  • 10 Shoulder Taps (cadence)
  • 10 Plank Jacks (cadence


The Thang:


Ten stations were set up. Each pax started at a different station and each station had a cone with brief instructions attached. We spent 50 seconds at a station and rotated to the next station in 10 seconds. We continued until each PAX went through every station. Stations listed here.

  1. The Flash Sprints- Sprint from one cone to another. Jog back to first cone. Repeat.
  2. Doctor Doom’s Carolina Dry “Doc”ks (just classic Carolina Dry Docks)
  3. Peter Parkers
  4. Sinister Six Squats- Weighted squats with a coupon. Down for a six count and up for a six count.
  5. Aquamans (Flutter kicks)
  6. Hulk Smash- Kettle bell swings but using a coupon instead.
  7. Cat woman crawl- Bear crawls. 5 forwards. 5 backwards. Repeat
  8. Professor X’s Chair (Al Gore Tree huggers/people’s chair)
  9. Lex Luthor’s Kryptonite- performing man makers with bricks. The bricks represent kryptonie.
  10. Superman’s

Fight for the City:

The pax counted off by 2s (e.g. One-two-one-two-etc). The “ones” became heroes and “twos” became villains. The next series of exercises were used as competitions between groups. The first three competition moves were relays (listed below). Two cones were set up 40 yards apart from each other. There were two lanes. One set for the heroes and one for the villains.

  1. Sprint Relay: All the PAXs on each team continually perform LBCs behind the starting cone, while the first man up from each team sprints from one cone to the other and back. Once the runner arrives back to the starting cone where his teammates are performing LBCs, the next man up runs the sprint, while the first man up (who arrived back at start) joins his team in performing LBCs until all team members have performed the sprint relay. The team that finishes first gets a point.
  2. Side shuffle relay: like above except the relay move is side shuffle down and back and the group PAX move is body weight squats
  3. Skipping relay: like above except the relay move is skip down to first cone and backpedal to start.
  4. Free throw challenge- one team lines up at a basketball free throw line. They see how many shots they can collectively make with one basketball in 90 seconds. During the 90 seconds the other team holds high plank. Then the teams switch. The team that made the most baskets wins a point.
  5. Bar hangs- on the playground all pax hang from pull-up bars/any equipment on playground where they can hang from. The last PAX to let go wins a point for his team.
    1. We didn’t have enough space on the playground with 12 PAX (but this is a good thing) and one team was already up 3-1 by this point. So, we made three stations. Bar hangs-step ups-dips. No points were given out.

The Villains won and burnt down the entire city.

Round of Mary: Clapping merkins, American hammers, SSHs

Ending in COT:

Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama

Announcements, Prayers

Ended with a coffeteria celebration for Monopoly’s last beatdown before starting with the Army.

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