07/22/2023 - Steel Town - Becoming Mike Murphy–Work in Progress.

AO: Steel Town

When: 07/22/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Abacus, Bambi, Chrysalis, Dr. Luck, Fievel, Pole Cat, Sooner,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dr. Luck

The BackBlast:

Disclaimer accepted by all.  Told anyone who had not said “Aye” to beat it.  All stayed.


Raise the roof; neck rolls, trunk rolls, small arm circles, large arm circles, Peter Parkers, Abe Vigodas, Merkins, Grass Pickers, BBS, Squats.

The Thang.

Run, not mosey, up to the Reservoir and down to the pavilion.  0.6 miles.  NB: Planning for the Quarterly Fitness Test, which we oughta do next Saturday.  JMO and I come in peace.

Round One:

Pull-Ups.  OYO/Own Best Effort.

Merkins.  IC to 10.

BBS.  SC to 30.

Squats.  SC to 40.

Run, not mosey, down to the Sea, around the loop, and back to the pavilion.  c. 0.2 miles.

Round Two:

Pull-Ups.  OYO/OBE.

Decline Merkins.  IC to 10.

LBCs.  IC to 15.

Step-Ups.  40 each leg.

Run, not mosey, up to the Reservoir and down to the pavilion.  c. 0.3 miles?

Round Three:

Pull-Ups.  OYO/OBE.

Plyometric Merkins.  OYO/OBE.

Hanging Tucks.  OYO/OBE.

Ran out of time, so we skipped the Aiken Legs wrap-up.

Run, not mosey, down to the Sea and around the loop.

Start on/End on.


Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama.

Prayers for PAX who are ill or downrange (Open House, Milestone, Eager Beaver, Peeps).

Prayers for Rick “Jack Knife” Swartley and his family.

NB: December, 1950, the First Marine Division had reached the high ground around the Choisin Reservoir.  They were approaching the Yalu river, the border between North Korea and China.  The Chinese Peoples’ Liberation Army suddenly entered the war, overwhelming the UN forces.  The Marines were cut-off and surrounded.  They had to fight their way down out of the mountains to a seaport captured by the Navy.  “Up to the Reservoir, down to the Sea” and “Frozen at Chosin.”  What people can do when they gotta.  The photographer David Douglas Duncan is worth knowing about.


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