07/18/2023 - Grill - Beaker’s Blueberry Birthday Bash

AO: Grill

When: 07/18/2023


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Beaker, Kettle Corn, Myra, Oreo, Picasso, Pocahontas, Pork Chop, Potsie, Woz,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

Hot hazy July afternoon; Canadian wildfires making the air quality poor but the PAX still wanted to workout.  Nine PAX posted for what turned out to be a very fun afternoon.

Disclaimer was given including not suing me should they develop emphysema or lung cancer as a result of the workout conditions.

Warm-a-rama: mosey up the river trail to near the end of the street for Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Seal Jacks, BSE, Mountain Climbers and 5 Burpees because Myra joined us late, mid-way through the warm up.

Mosey to the pavilion near the shovel flag

The Thang: Nod to Beaker turning 59 — 59 total reps of 4 different exercises interspersed with 10 merkins of different variations

Round 1

  • 10 Staggered Right Merkins
  • 15 Wojo Squats (IC)
  • 10 Derkins
  • 15 Dips (IC)
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 15 American Hammers (IC)
  • 10 Dive Bomber Merkins
  • 14 No Surrenders (7 each leg) IC
  • 10 Staggered Left Merkins (Pocahontas was worrying about being lopsided from the first set and had to wait for the last set)

Mosey around the block to the opposite side of the park near the playground

Round 2

  • 10 Ranger Merkins
  • 15 Crab Cakes (IC)
  • 10 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 15 Reverse Lunges (IC)
  • 10 Plyometric Merkins
  • 15 V-ups
  • 10 Crucible Merkins
  • 14 Bulgarian Split Squats (7 each leg) IC
  • 10 Inclined Merkins

Mosey down Island Street to the river trail and back to the shovel flag

We circled up at the shovel flag and waited for Kettle Corn to join us while he stopped to splash merlot.  He joined us feeling better and ready to continue.  He’s beginning to develop a reputation and it did my heart good to lead a workout with a merlot splash (Kettle Corn splashed merlot during his VQ a few weeks ago and kept right on going; he’s unstoppable).

Dealer’s Choice: in turn each PAX chose an exercise they didn’t want to do while they ran out ~ 40 yards a back.  Exercises included Crab Cakes, Burpees, Merkins, LBCs, Box Cutters, Reverse Box Cutters, Squats, and Peter Parkers

We ended with motivators 5 to 1 and a cool down of side stretches

COT: Pool party at Ditto’s home next Thursday; prayers for wisdom for Potsie’s business and Life Choices as each makes important decisions about buildings; prayers for mental health generally.

Kettle Corn will be Q this coming Saturday (looking forward to it!; hopefully without merlot)

The fun didn’t end here.  It happened to be my birthday and unbeknownst to me, my M had prepared a blueberry birthday pie with whipped cream and had hidden it in my truck in a cooler.  She contacted Potsie and Myra ahead of time.  They pulled it out and we had an impromptu tailgate birthday party.  It made my day.  My M enabled me to celebrate with a bunch of great guys.

Following some of the best pie ever consumed, six PAX went to the Westy for dinner.

I’m very thankful for F3 and the camaraderie and friendship we enjoy (and also for an awesome wife!)

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