05/07/2022 - Grill - Band Shell Quarantine

AO: Grill

When: 05/07/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Ditto, Klinger, Myra, Pork Chop, Potsie, Teardrop,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Myra

The BackBlast:

It took a whole handful of red pills to come out in the pouring rain this morning. Cheers to everyone who did!

Warm-a-rama: Mosey back and forth under the band shell for 1-2 minutes. Arm circles, abe-vigoda, imperial walkers, grass pickers, toy soldiers, BSE, calf stretches, SSH.

The thang: Dime Time. Start with exercises of 10, next 20, then 30. Legs, Chest, Arms, Abs, with cardio between each.


  • Sprint back and forth (BF), 10 Squat+calf extensions at top (hold for a second)
  • NUR BF, 10 wide merkins
  • Lunge walk BF, 10 diamond merkins
  • 60 second plank


  • Spring BF, 20 monkey humpers, in cadence
  • NUR BF, 20 merkins
  • Lunge walk BF, 20 incline triceps presses (keeping elbows in, slow on the way down)
  • 60 second plank


  • Sprint BF, 30 air squats (low and slow)
  • NUR BF, 30 incline merkins
  • Lunge walk BF, 30 dips (short, wet mosey to pavilion for these)
  • 60 second plank

10’s and 20’s repeated, but with ab exercises only.

  • 10’s: Box cutters, scissors, in-and-outs
  • 20’s: LBC’s, Freddy mercuries, mountain climbers

Jacob’s ladder (modified in band shell): BF sprint, 1 burpee, BF sprint, 2 burpees, up to 5 burpees then work back down to 1.

Crab cakes in cadence just for fun.

Round of Mary: flutter kicks, WWI sit-ups, box cutters, American hammers, two more slipping my mind…

Circle of trust, prayers for the Essig family and Klinger’s as well. Show a mom in your life some love this weekend!!!

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