07/30/2022 - Swamp - 1 mile mosey, bear crawl hill climb with burpee’s plus more!

AO: Swamp

When: 07/30/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Biscuit, Deuce, Downsize, Drop Box, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Open House, Zena,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Deuce

The BackBlast:

8 HIMs were present for Saturday morning beat down at the ranch.  Started out with an extended warm up of exercises including a 1 mile mosey with optional inner loop ruck meeting back at the base of the hill for event 1.

Warm ups included:

Initial Stretches:

  • Hip rotations
  • Casey Casums 
  • Neck rotations
  • Ankle rolls
  • Worlds greatest stretch

Warm ups:

  • Forward arm circles 15 x4 count (&hold)
  • Reverse arm circles 15×4 count (&hold)
  • Seal claps 15 x4 count (&hold)
  • Overhead claps 15 x4 count (&hold)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs 15 x4 count (&hold)
  • Michael Phelps 15 (OYO)
  • Abe Vagodas 15
  • Grass Pickers 15
  • Toy shoulders 15
  • Imperial Walkers 15
  • 1 Mile Mosey; or inner loop ruck
  • THE HILL:  ( 2 rounds); 4 levels
     Bear crawl up to level 2,3 and top after starting at base.  At each level performed:  1)BURPEES; Level 1 (5), Level 2 (10), Level 3 (15), Top (20’)

    Mosey back to bottom; plank till six, (Repeat) with : FREDDY MERCURY’s:  (second round) Repeat(same routine),

  • 7 DIAMONDS: Round 1: 7 (Carolina Dry Docks) at each corner of baseball diamond, with  mosey or sprint in between, and plank for the six at end of each round.  Round 2: 14 squats.  Round 3: 21 merkins at each of theRound 4, 28 flutter kicks.

  • Returned back to flag for a full round of Mary till 6:30.
  • Counta Rama, name a Rama, announcements and prayer requests. Local citizen Steve showed up during announcements and spent time with us during announcements and prayer requests and prayer.
  • Afterwards spent time with PAX at q source with a lesson on work, and enjoyed some refreshments with the PAX and special guest Steve who brought some for the group.

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