Indian Summer

Mcbeal is back!  After a long hiatus our long lost brother has returned, likely tired of the daily Treehugger ribbing and psychological abuse.  Another unseasonably warm morning, YHC fighting a bit of a cold but not going to waste a great morning staying in bed.   disclosure warmarama:  SSH, Moroccan night clubs, mh’s, mountain climbers …

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Test Rats – Trying Out New Army Exercises

Looking for creative inspiration and a new spin on a workout, Neon found an article on the Army’s new combat fitness test in the WSJ, of all places. Of the 5 new ‘domains’ the lucky 6 PAX who posted were labs rats for 3. The remaining 2 exercises include maxing out a deadlift and a …

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Failure is the only option

Temps are starting to drop in full force now, 35 degrees but clear and beautiful.  Treehugger stepped up and introduced his workout as “time to fail”, explaining that we would be doing exercises to failure instead of counting. disclosure warmarama mosey to circuit track 1 PAC runs, 3 others plank on forearms till he returns …

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Cards/ Dragons/ crabs

Cold, windy morning, 5 pax braved the elements…YHC decided to keep us under cover in the pavilion (aka wind tunnel)   Warmarama: ssh, goofballs, plank jacks deck of cards app (2-14 reps depending on card number) hearts: merkins diamonds: bb sit-ups spades: jump squats clubs: burpees joker 1: 20 box jumps joker 2: 20 dips …

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Another Brick In the Wall

Warm Up: SSH Windmills Abe Vigoda Grass Pickers Monkey Humpers Merkins The Thang: Mosey long way to Football Field Parking Lot Pick up Bricks Curls Shoulder Presses Flies Iron Squats Iron Cross Mosey to Football Field (4 Corners) 10 Squats run length of field 10 Squat Jumps run backwards across goal line 10 Squats run …

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I barely can feel my legs

Yes, another installment of the always in politically correct lt Dans.  It was our first true chilly day for F3 in Fleetwood for the season..,,thermometer read 38 degrees, but 6 PAX broke free from the warmth of their beds to push themselves in the chilly gloom. warmarama: Ssh, mh’s, imperial walkers -mosey to pullup bar …

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Fall Fun in Fleetwood

Warmarama. Smurfjacks x 20, MCs x 15 High knees down, butt kickers back, karaoke down, 75 percent sprint back ATMs: 15 alt shoulder taps, 10 tempo, 10 speed merkins x 2 sets Mosey down to pullup bar for morning call X 2 sets Mosey over to pavilion for 20 box jumps/ 20 dips Mosey over …

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Lake Champion

Lake Champion Men’s Retreat F3 Workout on Saturday October 7th, 2017 The numbers don’t lie. There were 26 men who vacated the fartsack and attended the F3 workout that morning. A group of High Impact Men looking to live third behind their creator and their community. In order for men to be high impact they …

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New Bear on site

In the midst of Bear crawls, bear crawls down hills, and even a Bearcrawl ring of fire there was discovered an FNG!  He self diagnosed as a slowbear and a name was born.  Welcome slowbear. Warmarama SSH x 20, goofballs x 15, mh’s x 15 Bear Crawl Ring of Fire (mucho chesto style) Combines exercises …

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House of Cards

Thirteen PAX vacated the strong hold of the Fartsack to build a House of Cards. Mosey about 1/2 mile up some road to an intersection of a dark alley and some other street. Warm-A-Rama Moroccan Night Clubs, LBAC, Huggy Bears, Abe Vagodas, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Merkins Mosey another 1/2 mile or so to Rodale …

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F3 Lehigh Valley