Bear Crab Walkin’

December 12, 2017 at THE SWAMP Twas a chilly morning in the marshy meeting place of the bears, also known as Macungie in Lenni Lenape tongue Five posted for a burner Disclosure and mosey WARM-O-RAMA SSDs, arm circles, monkey humpers, merkins, lunges Mosey THE THANG PAX sprinted to end of road. Then painful 10 – …

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Pre Solstice Scramble

Tuesday, December 19, 2017 at THE SWAMP Four PAX rolled out of the fartsack looking to burn some cookie calories. 6:31 disclose and mosey WARM-O-RAMA Arm circles, sun gods, grass pickers, monkey humpers, merkins Mosey THE THANG The PAX jogged to the service road with 4 telephone poles to be used as guidance to switch …

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Unbreakable Gifts

Start on time end on time!  YHC rolling in on the dot, welcoming the PAX and starting the disclosure from the moment car door owned. It was a dark and brisk morning in the low 30 degrees and practically no wind.  That makes for  prefect workout weather. Mosey from the shovel flag about a half …

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Team 1 v Team 2

Warm-up: Pax runs ~150 yards then everyone does merkins until the first guy completes 35, repeat run and merkins until first guy completes 30, repeat until 25 and so on until zero. The Thang:  Broke up into two teams of 4.  Teams alternate running two laps for a total of ~ 1/4 mile.  Meanwhile the other team …

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Run and grunt

34 degrees, no wind, felt warm compared to last few workouts.. disclosure issued, FNG present…slowbear’s son warmarama: SSH, X jacks, mountain climbers the Thang:  3 rounds of running/ bodyweight exercise..increasing reps by 5 Round 1 Lap 5 burpees 5 derkins 5 copper head squats 5 donkey kicks 5 box jumps 5 ww1 5 merkins Bearcrawl …

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The Test III

THE TEST The PAX descended on The Bee Hive full of whatever they ate for dinner last night. Some were still asleep. YHC came prepared for battle. The battle was not against the PAX or the weather. The foe was not the snow or the slight wind. The enemy was … myself. I brought with …

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Burpee Burner

14 degrees, no wind disclosure warmarama: Ssh, grasspickers, goofballs, arm circles mosey around fitness track through parking lot to back to main st ball field corner 15 burpees -mosey continuing full lap stopping at pullup bar for 15 burpees then pull-ups to fail while rest of PAX do burpees -over to basketball court for “Bearpees” …

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Beat down in the Cold

Doubfire became the proud papa of Giggles ( Well done! Temperatures AND wind in the teens made for a keep-moving moving. Warmup: Pax runs ~150 yards then everyone does merkins until the first guy completes 35, repeat run and merkins until first guy completes 30, repeat until 25 and so on until zero. The Thang: …

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Over The River and Thru the Woods

32, no wind few inches of snow left over following the first winter storm of the year on Saturday….perfect backdrop for a trip to “grandma’s house” disclosure warmarama: ssh, mh’s, mountain climbers the thang:  trip to gmas house round 1: mosey lower lap back to gmas house ( pavilion) for merkins -25 regular, 25 derkins….50 …

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Strength, Speed, Power, & Pain

Dynamic Warm-up Strength/Power Jog to pavilion  Pull-ups max reps followed by box jumps-20 reps Pull-ups max reps followed by step-ups 20 (4 count) Chin-ups max reps followed by single leg pistol squats (10 each leg) Pull-ups any variety max reps followed by lateral jumps over partner holding plank hand plank position.  Each left right jump …

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F3 Lehigh Valley