Over The River and Thru the Woods

32, no wind

few inches of snow left over following the first winter storm of the year on Saturday….perfect backdrop for a trip to “grandma’s house”


warmarama: ssh, mh’s, mountain climbers

the thang:  trip to gmas house

round 1:

mosey lower lap

back to gmas house ( pavilion) for merkins

-25 regular, 25 derkins….50 American hammers..25 irkins, 25 diamond

round 2:  gramma needs eggs..back out on trail for upper loop mosey and back to gmas house for..

-burpees.  15 burpees…break…15 burpees…25 ww1s…20 burpees

Round 3:  lower loop mosey.,back for

-25 lunges (each leg)..visits to failure…25 copper head squats

finish with 3 sets of abs (dealers choice)

skiing abs (thanks slow bear), dr ws, crunchy frogs


F3 Lehigh Valley