
Tuesday, 16-Jan-2018 It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…or it is laziness or expediency.  Regardless, YHC shamelessly copied the Frozen Hourglass workout…what works at the Pond should work at the Swamp. YHC arrived a minute late due to slower than usual traffic from the light snow that was falling.  A quick …

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Return of The Hill

Return of the Hill Following a long frozen stretch, the hill was sufficiently melted and ready to challenge 5 intrepid men in the early Blandon gloom. Disclosure SSH, XJacks, mountain climbers, grass pickers, Moroccan night clubs Headlamps on, mosey full loop ending at the Hill of Fame. Clock Merkins (4 at each “hour hand” time …

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Good Neighbor Workout

Date:  January 13, 2018, Special “Log of Fame” edition F3 disclaimer and LOF rules Warm-up: PAX Moseyed to pavilion.  On the way they did side shuffles, high knees, butt kickers, touch the ground, and backwards jog.  Upon arriving at the pavilion, PAX completed sets of 20 side straddle hops, Abe Vigodas, grass pickers, huggy bears, …

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Hall Of Fame Log (aka Lady Glittersparkles) What is that you ask?   Here is the idea. Your attendance at F3 workouts is tracked by the posting of Back Blast. Every time you are tagged in a Back Blast your posting amount is increased by one. When you get to 50 your F3 Name is …

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Beat the Q

Beat the Q: Each member of the pax was assigned a body part (chest/arms, abs, legs) and then each member took turns picking the exercise that worked the assigned body part.  The Q had to go to failure and the goal was for the Q to outlast the rest of the pax.  The Q was …

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Pain in the parking lot – Ice-olation

Warmarama 1. Side straddle hops, monkey humpers, grass pickers Parking lot of pain 1. 15 diamond merkins, 15 close elbow merkins, 15 wide merkins. Squat position for 6, designated man calls out when to run parking lot up and back. 2. 20 ground dips, 20 one-leg dips left, 20 one-leg dips right, Squat position for …

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What Are You Thinking?!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018 It was a comparatively balmy morning in the Swamp at ~ 25°C…had to shed a layer of clothes. Disclosure as we moseyed… Warm-a-rama: We moseyed to the end of the lane for a short warm-a-rama of Sun Gods, Abe Vigodas, and Mountain Climbers. As we moseyed to the band shell, we …

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Frozen Hourglass

15 degrees, light breeze Disclosure warmarama:  ssh, mountain climbers, Moroccan night clubs mosey around upper loop The Thang:  Hourglass (start with 50 reps, ladder down 40, 30…to zero, different exercise for each set of reps….alternating an upper lap run and 2 minute plank for the rinse between exercises….then ladder back up to 50) 50 merkins …

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Do Not Give Up!

THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2018 I heard it is going to get cold this year.  The F3 mantra is there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear.  It was cold, but not cold enough to snow.  YHC rolled in right on time to Q this workout.  Flame and Beaker in position to help …

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Temperature feel was -10°. So the warm-up was a brisk alternating between Merkens and hundred yard sprints. Did it five times starting with 50 Merkens and working our way down reducing by 10 each time. Main workout was one minute high-intensity interval‘s followed by a rest. Of dealers choice of abs.  High intensity included The …

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F3 Lehigh Valley