Four Square of BLIMPS

PAX of 8 posted for a Side Effects return from family vacation Q to enjoy the beautiful pre-rain cool temps in Reeves Park newly named the Blast Furnace (t-claps to Dos Equis on the AO name suggestion). The Thang: Disclaimer Mosey the short way to the baseball field COP for a group Q’d warm-up: Arm …

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Grilled Barchetta

21-Jul-2018 Seven men took the daily red pill this morning to accelerate their fitness, fellowship, and faith. Once Mr. Clean and, finally, Teardrop rolled in on the dot we were able to start. Since we had two FNGs, F3 core principles were explained and the disclaimer was given. The alternative to accept the disclaimer was …

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Charles Barchetta … who?

After Cougar was done messing with his shoes and niceties were discussed with downrange PAX from Roswell Georgia, Scar we moseyed to the football field and then all hell broke loose. Charles Bronson … the not so famous Chuck Norris wanna be. Red Barchetta … unknown song by an unknown band named Rush. Charles Barchetta …

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Better Than a Fine Wine!

A beautiful 57 degrees this morning at Lone Lane Park! Remember the best way to get a hard commit from an FNG is to pick him up at his home. Some people say things get better with age. That’s a bunch of crap. Things are way better with age. This morning was no exception. Disclaimer …

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Wednesday Workout and Word I

The PAX (almost all) met at Flame’s house and moseyed to East Texas park (~1/2 mile). Flame’s 2.0, Sticks rode two wheels to tag along. Warm-A-Rama Morrocan Night Clubs, Huggy Bears, Abe Vagodas, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Plank, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Plank. Starting on the sideline of a basketball court we … 1. Lunged to …

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Swamp Run

17-Jul-2018 8 PAX posted for a romp around the figurative swamp trying out new exercises. We’ll see if any of them catch on and make appearances in upcoming workouts. The disclaimer was given and the PAX moseyed to the flag pole for Warm-a-rama: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walker, Hamstring Stretch, Peter Parker, Best …

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Up and Down

Dealers Choice starting with 10 and increasing by ten up to 100, then back down. Then back up with travel exercises thrown in between sets. The dealer rotated around the Pax for each selection. Lots of fun.

Trail Run

14-Jul-2018 Four PAX posted to the Grill this morning to partake in a trail blazing adventure. The disclaimer was given on the run and was necessary as we traversed uneven trails, dodged poison ivy, dog land mines, lay in tick-infested grass, and attempted new exercises. Warm-a-rama: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Quad Stretches, Mountain Climbers, …

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Welcome, 7/14/18 Disclaimer Warm a rama: Arm circles, snap crackle pops, reach for the stars, happy feet, pendulums, hulk hogans. Mosey Scissor jacks, quad stretch, plank jacks, calf stretch Mosey Stations: Full Pull- weighted backpack, each PAX shared thoughts on being bold, side shuffle Block Walk, backwards run 4 Square, carioca Bucket Curls, front run …

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Catch Me if You Can

Thursday, July 12. Beautiful weather for a workout. Modified disclaimer, all PAX accepted. Warm-up: jogging, shuffling, karaoke, skipping, bending, jumping. Followed by partner stretches of major muscle groups. Mosey to upper parking lot. Mumble chatter included least and most favorite exercises, and things we liked/didn’t like about our F3 nicknames. Cadence exercises in upper parking …

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F3 Lehigh Valley