Don’t Carry A Dead Dog!

YHC started off early with some FOREPLAY!  (FOREPLAY: Any pre-workout run.)  Excited to see 5 PAX come out for a rainy gloom workout.  Puck made a return as he gained some inspiration and momentum from the Lake Champion Men’s Retreat this past weekend. Disclaimer – all men over 18, no professional,  you assume all risk …

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Arm Burner

Monday, September 24.  Cool and dry Disclaimer accepted by all. Warm-up: neck rolls, truck rolls, reaching and bending, SSH, Abe Vigodas, Grass pickers, Peter parkers, caf stretch, mountain climbers, monkey humpers. The Thang: Ten arm exercises, reps of twenty with water jugs.  Curls, Back flys, iron cross, shoulder press, chest flys, back rows, skull crushers, …

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Lexicon Advantage

On Friday, September 21, 2018 Your Humble Companion (YHC) was excited to lead a workout at Faith Church!  It was awesome see PAX from different AO’s coming together to support the mission to grow, plant, and serve.  Long Haul and Knievel making first time appearances with YHC. Disclaimer given! Warmarama – Mosey to circle up …

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Hard Easy

22-Sep-2018 Five PAX posted to the Grill but failed miserably at their assignment of coming prepared with a portion of the workout to Q.  They simply stated they new YHC would be prepared…yeah, YHC is an enabler…gotta work on that. So, off we went on a mosey down the street and YHC was reminded that …

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Lake Champion 2018

Over the weekend 360 men retreated deep into the woods for the annual Priority One Lake Champion Men’s Weekend. On this weekend men get to kick back and relax with a variety of activities including volleyball, a zip line with water entrance, tubing, kayak, paddle board, hot tub, pool, water slide, hiking, biking, Frisbee, golf, …

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It feels good to see this AO gaining momentum with 8 Pax joining us for a Thursday morning Beat Down!  Long Haul has become a new regular and getting some consistent returns from Mr. Brady and now Hawkeye and Open House.  Welcome back boys!  I hope this beat down meets your expectations. Disclaimer !  everyone …

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Turn up the Moby and the Pain

8 PAX posted for the long-awaited split VQ from Mr Feeny and Dial-up!  Started with a CSPAN inspired last minute pre-ruck for 4 PAX and then the pain ensued. Disclaimer – Coaching by CSPAN – always include “you assume responsibility” Mosey around to the baseball field SSH x 25 (IC) Imperial Walkers x 20 (IC) Nancy …

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double jeopardy

Only in the aftermath of a hurricane does the Lehigh Valley experience anything tropical, as in a tropical rainstorm. This in mind the PAX was excited and turned out in heaps. Warmorama: Mosey, SSHs, arm circles, monkey humpers, plank, imperial walkers, mohntain climbers. Mosey The Thang: 50 yard intervals: high knees, butt kickers, power skips, …

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Stair Masters

Sept. 17, cool, dry, perfect for a workout. Disclaimer accepted verbally Warm-up: neck rolls, trunk rolls, stretching, bending, SSH, side lunge, grass pickers, monkey humpers, mountain climbers, calf stretch, and arm circles. During mosey to front steps, PAX completed butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle and karaoke. The Thang: Inspired by the anniversary of the …

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Saturday morning Bliss

Warm up: 20 Burpees followed by some Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Huggy bears, Arm circles Murkins in cadence Mountain climbers in cadence 15 Freddy Mercury’s and LBCs in cadence.   The THANG! Partnered up for Pull ups, Push ups and Big Boy sit ups  2 sets, one man doing 40 push-ups while his teammates did …

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F3 Lehigh Valley